Chapter 46

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Maggie watches her girlfriend with thinly veiled amusement as she urges them all out of the DEO. To the other agents and knights, it probably looks like she, Alex, Winn, Kara, and Lena all have a pressing, important matter to attend to. When in actuality, Maggie's nerdy girlfriend is just really excited to test out the crossbow.

"We will head to the training area and set up the targets." Alex orders. "Kara, you go get the crossbow and the bolts. Meet us there. Okay?"

Kara nods and runs off using her super speed while the rest of them head to the clearing.

"We have some fond memories here, huh Danvers?" Maggie questions with a wink at her girlfriend, who blushes.

"Ugh," Winn groans. "I really don't want to know about my big sister's sex life."

Alex feels a small smile spread across her face before she schools her features. "Big sister?"

Winn's eyes widen and he stutters out a reply. "Crap. I-I... It just slipped out and-"

"Relax, Winn." Alex says with a kind smile to reassure him. "It's nice to know you think of me as a big sister, that means I get to do... This!"

Winn yelps in surprise when Alex puts him in a gentle headlock and gives him a noogie. "Alex! You do that anyway!"

He tries to squirm away from her grasp and after a couple more seconds, she acts like he got out of her headlock (no one gets out of her headlocks unless she wants them to). Maggie's laughing off to one side and Lena's shaking her head fondly, already feeling more at home around these people than she ever did with the Luthors, even before Lex went on his spree.

Kara reappears by them, carrying the box Lena had put it in and gives Winn a confused look. "What happened to your hair?"

Winn grumbles as he runs his fingers through it to try to tame his hair again. "Alex is what happened."

"Alex," Kara draws out her sister's name. "Did you noogie him again?"

"He admitted that I'm his older sister, and that means that I can." Alex says like that logically makes sense.

"What? You never do that to me." Kara frowns, cocking her head.

"Because it would distress you, and it just annoys Winn. If it actually hurt him or anything, I wouldn't do it." Alex explains.

"Aww, you care about me." Winn says, dramatically clutching his heart and beaming.

"Of course I do."

"So," Winn squints. "You both are just okay with me calling you guys my sisters?"

"Definitely, you're practically adopted by Eliza and Jeremiah anyways." Kara pulls Winn in for a hug when she sees happy tears in his eyes.

After Alex rolls her eyes affectionately, she joins in on the hugs in a purely Alex fashion, by awkwardly patting Winn's back and putting an arm around Kara.

"Are they always like this?" Lena murmurs to herself.

"Pretty much." Maggie answers from where she's standing next to her. Lena internally jolts, having forgotten that Maggie was there.

They pull apart a moment later and then continue moving after the Danvers sisters rejoin their girlfriends. Kara takes Lena's hand and Alex tucks her hand into Maggie's back pocket, earning her an amused look from her girlfriend and a quip about how Alex likes touching her butt. Winn groans and covers his ears while Kara squeaks, blushing. Alex powers through the heat in her own cheeks as she glares playfully at Maggie, who's laughing.

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