Chapter 51

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Lena and Kara take turns going through how they met and how they got together. And then, how the assassination attempt went. They mentioned everything they were willing to release to the media, just leaving out the crossbow.

It takes longer than they expected and after they finish explaining, Cat insists they take a short break. Which Kara appreciates, knowing that she knows how Kara gets hungry after a few hours. She and Lena head to the kitchen to get some food, saying a quick hello to Lyra and Winn.

When they rejoin Cat and her assistants, the assistants are complaining.

"My hand is so sore." The person with a buzz cut sighs.

"Same." The other, a pale shaggy haired guy, groans. "I don't understand why we have to transcribe this when Kara literally has super speed."

Cat is giving them a look that could melt sand into glass and they wither under her gaze.

"It wouldn't be fair." Kara explains, and the assistants look over in surprise. "If I transcribed everything, I mean. My girlfriend and I are the ones being interviewed, so if we say the wrong thing or something like that, I would have the ability to leave out words or sentences or alter the transcription. I mean, I wouldn't, but I would be able to. Get it?"

"Yes ma'am." The person with a buzz cut says, their cheeks flushes pink.

"No more complaining or you're fired, Geoff. Understand?" Cat threatens in her calm, deadly voice.

The man gulps and shifts uneasily in his chair, nodding frantically. "Yes Miss Grant."

She turns her attention back to Lena and Kara. "Now. Where were we? Ah yes. How would you describe your relationship?"

"Healthy," Lena replies immediately without hesitation. "It's the healthiest relationship I've ever been in, including familial and platonic relationships."

Kara smiles softly, her eyes sad as she remembers how Lena's described her relationships with others. She runs her thumb along Lena's knuckles in a motion she hopes is soothing.

"For me, I would describe it as... Open."

"How modern of you," Cat says with a smirk.

Kara flushes. "That's-that's not what I meant, Miss Grant. I meant that we're both open minded towards what the other is saying. I can tell her about Krypton and my birth family, or how annoying having powers can be, and she'll listen. Sometimes Lena will even offer to build something for me to remind me of Krypton, or asks me about Kryptonian science. Nerd." Kara says teasingly to Lena, looking at her with a fond expression.

"It's interesting!" Lena replies. "Kryptonians had science we'll only be able to dream of for centuries!"

Cat clears her throat, interrupting them from saying anything more. To anyone else, her expression may seem impassive, but Kara's been around her long enough to see the sparkle in her eyes.

"I know this is probably not a question you like, but I have to ask because readers will be interested." That's as close to an apologetic tone as Kara has ever heard from Cat. "How is your relationship affected by being a Super and a Luthor?"

They glance at each other. "Not too much, to be honest, if you're talking about the rivalry between Superman and Lex." Kara answers. "And if anything, it's strengthened our relationship. We both know what it's like to be compares to our family members."

Lena nods in agreement. "It does affect us in other ways, however. As you know, Kara has superpowers and wants to use them like her cousin does. That worries me, but I also know that the DEO and I will be by her side fighting."

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