Chapter 48

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Alex and Lena excitedly approach the gel. Their amused girlfriends watch them from a distance while Winn scurries after them, wanting to see the results.

"The arrow penetrated deeper," Alex remarks in surprise. "I thought it would be the bolt, especially with the strong drawback power of the crossbow."

"I thought the same thing." Lena murmurs. "Perhaps it's because the bolt is thicker, less aerodynamic."

Alex's eyes light up. "The bolt is shorter, too! There's less mass per diameter."

"So it loses velocity quicker." Lena nods. "That makes sense."

"It would be better closer up to an enemy. Do you mind if I try to improve the bolts too while you and Kara are gone?" Alex asks.

"As long as you don't stay cooped up in your lab the whole time, sure." Lena teases, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Like you haven't done that." Alex scoffs and Lena smiles, not denying it. "See? Plus, I have my girlfriend to make sure I don't accidentally work myself to death."

Lena hums. "True. I can see her dragging you out by the ear if you didn't stop working."

Alex rubs the back of her neck. "She almost had to do that once, when Cadmus was about to attack the bar. I kept wanting to add more traps."

"Those traps sounded brilliant, by the way. Do you have the blueprints to them still?" Lena asks curiously.

"Yeah, I do. I'll take them out for you when you and Kara come back."

"Hey guys," Winn says from where he has been standing nearby, soaking in their ideas and theories. "Your girlfriends seem like they're getting bored. Um. Since Lena and Kara are leaving tomorrow, how about you guys all go out to eat tonight? Have some sibling and girlfriend bonding time?"

"Only if you come too!" Kara calls from where she's standing.

She and Maggie walk closer until they're next to their girlfriends.

Winn shifts, his cheeks pink. "I don't know..."

"Come, it's your idea and you're our little brother." Alex persuades. "You can bring Lyra."

"She's not my-" He sighs, then squints. "Hey, why am I the little brother? I'm older than Kara!"

"Technically, I'm older than all of you." Kara reminds him. "Phantom Zone, remember?"

"How old are you really, then?" Maggie questions.

Kara shrugs. "I never figured out exactly how long I was in there, but I'm somewhere around 50."

"I hope I look that good when I'm your age." Maggie says with a joking whistle.

Kara sticks out her tongue. Alex swallows a laugh and then her eyes widen and she smirks.

"Hey Kara. You know what that means?" She asks, looking between Kara and Lena. "You're a cougar."

Kara drops her head onto Lena's shoulder and groans loudly.

"It's okay, babe." Lena presses a kiss to Kara's forehead, trying not to let her shoulders shake from the laughter she's holding back. "I love you, white hairs and all."

"Love you too," she says, her voice muffled by her girlfriend's shoulder. She jolts. "Wait. White hairs?" Kara gasps, horrified, bringing some of her strands of hair into her line of sight.

"I'm kidding, babe. Can Kryptonians even get white hairs?" Lena muses.

"Kal doesn't have any." Kara replies, lifting up her head. "Lois kind of hates that he doesn't."

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