Chapter 32

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The next morning starts off like most others, with Alex waking up first and reveling in the fact that she's sleeping in her bed with her girlfriend (!!!) who she loves. Which should scare her more, but Maggie makes her feel like she can afford to be reckless with her emotions. Like she can ignore the logical side of her screaming "it's too soon!" because Gods, Alex loves Maggie so much. Even her logical side can't deny that.

Maggie wakes up about half an hour later and they go through their morning routine together. Which is really just getting ready together featuring a lot of kisses.

They ignore the overhanging worry until they leave Alex's room. The weight pushes on their shoulders and they stand up taller to push back. Alex reaches out to take Maggie's hand, which is something that happens often but not everyday. But they both know this is a little bit of comfort that they both need. The guards don't even give their entwined hands a second look like they used to.

"Are you ready for today?" Maggie asks as they head towards the kitchen for a quick breakfast before going to the DEO.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Alex admits. "It'll be fun to fight alongside you, though. We make a good team, Sawyer."

"Yeah we do." Maggie says, giving Alex a dimpled smile.

The familiar sight makes Alex relax slightly but the anxiety like acid in her stomach stops it from calming her more. She gives Maggie a thankful smile, knowing she's trying to make her feel better.

They grab their breakfast and eat it on the way to the DEO. Alex even splits the donut the chef that likes her slipped her before she left.

"Isn't this a bit stereotypical?" Maggie asks around a mouthful of donut. "Knights and donuts?"

"Not as stereotypical as you in flannel." Alex responds, giving her girlfriend a wink when she pretends to be offended.

"Dork." Maggie says, bumping their shoulders together affectionately.

"Takes one to know one." Alex says snarkily. "Now come on, J'onn probably wants to go over the plan one last time."

Like Alex predicted, J'onn does go over the plan again. But it's Alex who goes over it with everyone another time in more detail to make sure everyone knows what they're doing.

"...And remember, the objective is to defend the bar. That means not destroying it beyond repair." Alex orders, leaning her hands on the table in front of her. Maggie finds Alex ordering people around even hotter than she expected. "If possible, we will take at least one of them alive. They may work for the same people as the assassins sent to kill Queen Lena Luthor, but they might not. We need to make sure we don't have more enemies. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am." The agents and knights selected to help them say.

"Alright, let's go." J'onn says from where he's standing off to the side.

"Sir," Alex's voice makes him pause. "Some of the traps include fire. You need to stay back."

"Sir Alex-" He starts, frowning deeper than usual.

"I'm not saying stay out of this." Alex cuts him off, making the other agents and knights wince and brace for his disapproval. "You can stay nearby just in case, but it isn't safe for you."

He purses his lips and stares at her, making everyone else aside from Alex and Maggie squirm. Alex just stares back while Maggie looks at her in awe.

"Very well. If you need any help, shout. I'll hear you." J'onn says after a long pause.

The agents and knights stare at J'onn in disbelief before looking at Alex like she's an all-powerful goddess that could crush the world with her fingertips. Actually, Maggie wouldn't be all that surprised if she is.

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