Chapter 150

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Lena finishes reading the poem and then pulls out the piece of paper. She places their bookmark in the book and sets it aside. She has a feeling that no matter how this goes, they're not going to be wanting to read more poetry after this.

"Is that the poem you wrote?" Kara asks quietly, but Lena knows her well enough to hear the excitement in her words.

"Mm hmm," Lena hums. She takes in a breath and then begins to read the poem she spent all of yesterday writing.  Remembering how the words are pronounced in Kryptonese is easier than she expected, but that might be because she's practiced it and rewritten it so many times.

"You are spring.
Warmth, gentleness,
Plants leaning towards the brightness of your smiles.
The words that fall from your lips are soft breezes,
Cool, refreshing.

You are the beautiful hues of a garden,
The excitement of seeing a hummingbird,
The gentle buzz of the bumblebee as it flutters lazily by.
The soft pitter-patter of rain,
A rainbow after a storm,
No star could shine brighter than you.

One year if knowing you isn't nearly enough,
My greedy hands want forever holding yours.
I want to be by your side as the sun rises,
Momentarily red like the star that shone light on your world.

It's your star, that you show me in the night
One arm around me, the other pointing out where your home used to be.
You've smiled with sadness in your eyes and a lightness in your voice,
Telling me that your home is here now, on Earth.
And I thought about how my home is when I'm with you."

Lena takes another breath, trying to stop her voice from wobbling. Silent tears are falling from Kara's face as she beams at her girlfriend. Lena gives her a small smile back before saying the last stanza.

"You're the sun peeking through the clouds after a long day,
The chirping of birds as the weather gets warmer,
A sunset over water.
You're the one I want to spend my life with.
Kara Zor-El Danvers, will you marry me?"

Kara's eyes go wide at the last line, her mouth dropping open slightly and no words come out. Lena shifts, avoiding eye contact for a moment before looking back at her girlfriend. Gods, maybe she's not ready and she's pushing her, maybe it was too much too fast...

"Kara?" Lena prompts her gently but for the first time in a while, Kara has been stunned into silence. "If this is too much, let me know. I never want you to feel pressured to do anything, especially not say yes to marrying me. I've been wanting to ask for a while, and Alex helped me figure out what I wanted to do a couple days ago. I wanted to do something that's just ours, and I love when we have time to sit around and read together. I love you Kara, and-"

Kara cuts her off by leaning in and capturing her lips with her own. Lena's eyebrows go upwards, her eyes automatically closing as they gently kiss. Lena's hand reaches up to hold onto Kara's bicep as her girlfriend pulls her closer. Kara pulls back after a few moments and if this weren't such a critical moment in their relationship, Lena would lean back in and kiss her again. But she knows they need to talk, and it's hard to do that when you're making out.

"So you liked it?" Lena asks.

"Lee, you wrote me a poem. How could I not love it?" Kara leans in and pecks her again. There's a short pause where they just look into each other's eyes. "Yes."

Lena's eyes widen. "Yes?"

"Yes, I'll marry you. I've been wanting to for so long, just like you apparently." She chuckles softly and takes Lena's hand in hers. "I wasn't sure if you were ready, you kept acting weird when I brought up marriage."

Lena hums, resting her forehead against Kara's. "Because I was trying to figure out how to propose to you. Oh!"

Lena pulls away and opens up the nightstand on her side of their bed, pulling out a small drawstring pouch. She opens it up and pulls out a small box, opening it. She takes out the ring. Usually, she carries it with her everywhere but she put it there last night so that if they decided to do things that involve less clothing, Kara wouldn't find it prematurely.

Lena meets Kara's eyes, unsurprised to see tears in them, especially since there are tears blurring her own vision. Kara nods jerkily and holds out her hand. Lena blinks the tears out of her eyes, letting them fall gently down her face.

Lena slides the ring onto Kara's finger. Kara gasps softly when it's in place, touching the gray metal.

"Is this? Is this part of my ship?" Kara breathes out. "How did you...?"

"I had some help from your cousin. He hasn't completely warmed up to me, but he was willing to help." Lena gives her a soft smile. "I know that we'll probably want bracelets as well, but I figured we could have a human symbol of marriage as well. And I thought we could pick out the colors for our bracelets together. As for the band being part of the ship, I thought you'd like a little piece of home close to you always."

More tears stream down Kara's cheeks. "Rao, I love you."

She leans in and kisses Lena again until they're both breathless. The hand Kara's cupping Lena's face with is the one with the ring and it glints in the light. She looks closer at the color and smiles softly.

"The color... It reminds me of Rao."

"That's why I chose it," Lena admits. "It reminded me of the painting you did of Krypton."

Kara's lower lip wobbles again. "How are you so perfect?"

"I find myself wondering that about you."

This time, they meet in the middle in a loving kiss.

Guess who almost forgot that the poem was in Kryptonese? Me! Wow, I suck at remembering little details about my own books haha. Hopefully you all like the poem, I spent like twenty minutes on it when my friend came over to work on homework! It took me a second to find the Word Document on my laptop because I named it "That Gay Shït" and with me, that could be anything! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!

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