Chapter 45

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After breakfast, everyone meets up at the DEO. J'onn watches them all arrive with his usual serious expression, his eyes kind as he greets them. He has Vasquez lead them to the private conference room they'll be using so he can stay where he is and make sure everyone has arrived. He raises an eyebrow at a sheepish Winn, the last to arrive. J'onn walks him to the conference room himself.

Maggie, Alex, Kara, Lena, Eliza, and Jeremiah are all sitting the the conference table, waiting for them to arrive. Winn rushes to sit down, murmuring apologies for his lateness and nearly dropping his large stack of papers when he trips over nothing in his haste.

J'onn clears his throat after he takes his seat, drawing everyone's attention. "I assume everyone knows each other by now. We'll get down to business unless anyone has something to add." He glances around but no one speaks up. "Very well. Queen Lena?" He urges respectfully.

"Thank you." She replies politely, straightening in her seat. "As you all know, my adoptive mother is the head of Cadmus, an anti-alien terrorist group. I have brought all of the data and papers and notebooks she and Lex left behind. It should have arrived in your office, Winn."

"It did," he confirms.

"Good. I've barely had time to look through it, but what I have been able to decode is written in an additional notebook on the top of the pile."

"Do you know of Cadmus' location?" J'onn questions.

Lena shakes her head. "Not exactly. I know an area where it's more than likely they're hiding out in, but it's a rather large area. I was hoping that we could work together to narrow down the possibilities."

"We will be happy to work with you." J'onn nods to her and Lena's lips twitch up  into a small smile.

"It will be a pleasure working with your team. You have some fine minds here." Lena compliments before turning to Winn. "Do you have the map I asked for?"

"Yes!" Winn exclaims, digging through the pile of papers he brought with him. "Just hang on a moment while I find it..."

His eyes brighten when he miraculously finds it in his mess, handing it over to Lena.

"Would it be alright if I wrote on this?" Lena questions.

"Sure, I have other copies."

Lena grabs a nearby quill, deciding ink will work better than pencil. She dabs it  in the ink and works as she speaks, outlining the edges of the area.

"This region here I had Winn find I blown up map of. You may recognize it; it has been disputed territory between our Kingdoms for generations. Because of that fact, the few who have ever dared to settle there never stay. I assume your people fear becoming part of Luthor Kingdom and mine fear becoming part of your kingdom."

"Why would they stay there?" Kara asks curiously.

"The people who try to settle there are always rich, and have built lavish castles on the land. They're all abandoned now. Officially, at least. My mother loves the Luthor Kingdom in her own sick, twisted way and wouldn't want to be too far from it. So this land is perfect for her, it's right on our border with you, the Danvers Kingdom. Not to mention the fact she's used to being a Queen and getting the most luxurious things. She needs somewhere fancy and as large as her overinflated ego.  the large castles make for rather good hideouts for a large group of people, especially the ones with dungeons or basements."

"So how do we know which one they're in?" Alex questions, her and Maggie both walking over to where Lena and Kara are standing to get a better look at the map.

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