Chapter 13

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Alex and Maggie head to the DEO and are immediately greeted once they enter by a grim J'onn. They stop in front of him.

"Knights," he greets them politely then gets to business. "You are going to be patrolling National City. You are not to leave the city limits unless there is an emergency. I suggest you observe the people, take in how they are acting today. Sir Alex, I know you keep a notebook on you. Write down anything out of the ordinary."

"Yes sir," Alex responds.

"Remember your mission. Do not start anything, Danvers. No fighting unless something happens. Understand?" The partners nod and J'onn relaxes his stance slightly, satisfied. "Good. Now go."

They turn around and walk out of the DEO. Once they're outside, Maggie looks at Alex and speaks.

"You carry around a notebook everywhere?"

"You don't?" Alex responds, grinning when Maggie doesn't reply. "It's come in handy a bunch of times. Whether it's remembering small details during a mission or if I suddenly have an idea."

"What kind of idea?"

"To improve of fix something I'm working on in the lab. One time I figured out a way to improve Kara's glasses in the middle of fighting an alien."

"Impressive. What are her glasses for, anyway? I wouldn't think someone with powers like Kara would have bad sight." Maggie asks.

"She doesn't exactly need them, but they help her. Kara's powers were really overwhelming for her when she first got here. The glasses are lead lined, which dulls her powers a little and helps her focus."

"Smart." Maggie says.

They step out of the castle's gates and are immediately more alert. Their backs automatically straighten and they look around more.

People are going about their days, most sparing nothing more than a quick glance at them. A few catch Alex's attention and she pulls out a small black notebook and jots a few observations down. Maggie gives her some input as they go, telling her partner about some unusual activity while she writes.

"Why not write it down in your own notebook, Sawyer?" Alex teases.

"I like watching you write," Maggie says honestly. "Your handwriting's cute."

"What?" Alex gives her a weird look. "How is handwriting cute?"

"Your handwriting is definitely not what I expected. I thought it would be perfect, like a typewriter made it or something. But no, your handwriting is pretty much indecipherable." Maggie laughs at Alex's insulted expression. "It looks like literal chicken scratch."

"It's not that bad," Alex grumbles.

"Oh yeah? Then what does that say?" Maggie points to a word on the page Alex has it open to.

Alex squints and frowns. "Alien? Alone? Ugh, I don't know." She points at Maggie, who's grinning at her. "That doesn't prove anything."

"Whatever you say, Danvers. Now come on, you're also supposed to be showing me around." Maggie takes Alex's hand and starts pulling her toward a busy street. "So be my tour guide."

For the next hour or so, they walk around the more crowded areas in National City. They get stopped a few times and Alex gets asked a lot about her sister, but she refrains from answering anything that isn't already in the article. During one of the times Alex is distracted by a citizen, a woman sees Maggie and stops in her tracks.

"Maggie?" The woman asks, stepping closer. She breaks out into a smile. "Hey! It's been a while."

"It has. How are you doing?" She asks.

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