Chapter 177

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Lena wakes up in Kara's strong arms, her wife's arms wrapped around her as she rests her head on Kara's chest. She closes her eyes again, stifling a yawn. After making love with Kara, she had passed out. Her wife's Kryptonian body evidently has more stamina than Lena.

"Morning, Lee." Kara says softly.

"Morning," Lena says.

She opens her eyes again and frowns when she realizes how raspy her voice is. She clears it but it still doesn't feel 100%.

"You used your voice too much last night." Kara sounds smug.

Lena can feel her cheeks reddening. "If you were human, you wouldn't be able to walk today."

Kara laughs and kisses her wife's cheek. "Yeah, I know Lee. Even my Kryptonian body is feeling it. A little bit," Kara amends. Her stomach rumbles and she clears her throat shyly. "My stomach feels it the most."

Lena laughs and presses a kiss to her wife's face. "Alright. Lets go and feed the beast before your stomach eats itself."

Kara lets Lena get up first, watching as she swings her legs over the side of the bed. Kara sits up, the covers pooling around her bare waist. Lena's feet hit the ground and her knees momentarily give out when she tries to stand up.

She can hear her wife snickering quietly behind her and she raises a finger. "Not a word. You'd be so much worse."

Kara floats up beside her wife. "I know, Lee."

Lena huffs and walks to the bathroom before heading down to the kitchen, where her wife is already raiding the cupboards.

"Looking for something in particular?" Lena asks, stifling a laugh when her wife turns around with a piece of bacon hanging out of her mouth.

"Foomph." Kara doesn't remove the piece of bacon as she answers.

"Food, very nonspecific. Alright, darling. How about you go sit down nearby with your bacon and I'll cook us something?"

"Hm hmm! Hm hmm hm!" Kara hums before zipping to a nearby chair to watch her wife cook.

"You're welcome. I love you too."

Kara realizes that Lena understood even her humming perfectly and gives her a wide, beaming smile. Lena doesn't fight the urge to smile back before turning to the kitchen and beginning to pull out what she needs to make them waffles.

Lena hums a song under her breath as she flits around the kitchen, her brain absentmindedly running through things as she cooks to keep it occupied. What they have yet to do, what might happen when they get back, what they need to do soon... Her mind zeroes in on one thing, dragging it to the forefront of her mind as she cooks.

Kara watches her wife cook, her graceful movements. She listens to the sound of food cooking, to the sound of Lena humming softly. She blinks when the humming stops and looks to her wife. She looks more focused on the food than before, or at least more focused on something. There's a tension to her shoulders that wasn't there before.

"Lee?" Kara says gently.

"Mm hmm?"

"What 'cha thinking about?"

"What happens after this," Lena admits.

"What? Like going to bed?" Kara asks, genuinely confused. "I can't imagine that would make you as tense as you are."

"No, darling." Lena says, turning back to give Kara a smile. "I mean after the honeymoon. Specifically, with Eliza. Er, Mom."

Kara gets up and walks toward her wife. "What about her?"

Lena lets out a breath. "I'm sure you're aware that once we get back, she's going to want to give you the crown. Make you Queen."

"I know, Lee." Kara wraps her arms around her wife from behind, being careful not to restrict her movement too much so that she can still cook.

"I just worry about that, about what it'll bring. I know we have vague plans, but how they'll work out... But mostly it's... Are you ready for this, darling?" Lena asks.

"It became clear to everyone a few months after I came to Earth that it would be me, not Alex, that would be Queen. I was okay with that, and so was Alex. I've been training for it since then, have been learning what I need to do. I'm sure that there'll be more that Eliz-Mom teaches me when we get back, and I'm sure there'll be more that I learn once I'm Queen. I used to worry about it," Kara admits. "And I know it'll be tough. But it'll be worth it. I'm as prepared as I can be right now. Besides, I'm not really worried anymore."

"Why?" Lena asks, turning her head to the side so she can look at Kara.

"I have you by my side. We can conquer anything, Lee." Kara presses a kiss to her wife's cheek. "Besides, you understand being a Queen better than pretty much anyone else. I'm not worried." Kara kisses Lena's cheek again and playfully taps her butt. "Now, come on. Let's eat, relax, and cuddle. This is our honeymoon!"

Lena laughs and turns around in Kara's arms to kiss her. When she pulls back, there's no sign of her earlier worries.

"Alright, darling." Lena taps Kara's butt too, winking at her and delighting in how Kara's face reddens. "Now go set the table, the food's almost done."

Kara presses a kiss to her lips and retreats from her wife with a goofy smile before using her superspeed to set the table. Lena, having turned back to the breakfast she was making, hears the familiar whooshing behind her and chuckles softly, shaking her head.

Kara helps her bring food to the table, this time not using superspeed, but Lena suspects that's so that Kara can give her what Maggie calls "heart eyes." Kara frowns but doesn't complain when Lena brings over a bowl of fruit.

"Even superheroes need to eat healthy," Lena says.

"Yeah, but you're human. You need them anyway."

Lena blinks and then blushes. "Implying I'm a superhero. Smooth."

Kara gives her an exaggerated wink that turns into a blink and they both burst into laughter, sitting next to each other at the table so they can snuggle.

And that's the last chapter until I write the epilogue! 0.0 Whoa! It's been a long journey, and I hope you all had as much fun as I did! After the epilogue will be the prompt book, so if you have anything specific you want me to write, whether it's in this AU or not, let me know! Happy holidays :) Thank you all for reading, and for your amazing comments, they truly make my day! Stay awesome!

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