Ch. 1: Scarlet Red

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3rd Person POV

A boy's view was nearly blurred as he looked to the sky. He could feel his body going numb and heart slowly stopping. His body was growing cold as the wind cooled the burning, gaping hole in his chest. He used all the power he could to raise his hand to the constantly bleeding part of his body.

'It hurts. It really hurts.' He thought weakly.

He rose his hand in front of his face and saw it covered in blood.

'Red. Just like her hair...' As he thought those words, he began to see a beautiful young woman who appeared to be in her late teens. 'Her hair was the darkest shade of red I've ever seen...Just like the color running down my hand...Long, beautiful crimson hair...It's a damn shame...I wish we could've least once...she seemed...nice.' His life finally began to leave his body. "Damn. I'm really gonna die aren't I?" He uttered his last words and closed his eyes, failing to use his strength to keep them open, and waited to pass away. "Chisato...I'm...Sorry..."

Suddenly, a bright red light erupted from the ground, illuminating the area in its blood-red color.

"Not yet." A voice said.

Suddenly, a figure appeared from the red light.

The boy slowly and weakly opened his eyes and saw a girl. 'A girl?' He thought before he finally passed.

"Not today. (Y/N) (L/N)...I will not let you die like this."


Darkness; the colossal, the cold, silent void. A deep and empty hole, growing and swelling, nothingness expanding surrounded (Y/N)'s view.

'So warm. But why? Why does this feel so warm? It's always like this though.' He thought as he simply lay in place, resting his body, yet his mind ever wandered. 'Why? Why is it that I find it so comforting...Why?' (Y/N) clutched his hand shut, tightening his grip.

"Maybe because you just like it. As they say, the world was born in darkness, before becoming illuminated by the stars in the void." A deep and gruff voice erupted.

"Starvlador, didn't expect the Azure Dragon Emperor to be so knowledgeable about stuff like Christianity or whatever." (Y/N) gave a sarcastic tone toward the disembodied voice.

"You do realize that I've been alive for like...ever, right?"

"Yeah, I do. I also would've thought that you would've picked up or kept proper grammar. Being all-knowing and powerful usually means you'd have to be smart."

"Well, maybe it's because of what you you've done." Starvlador suddenly dropped. "Everything. That you've done."

(Y/N) quickly went silent. "What?" He simply asked.

"You heard me, you monster." A new voice said in a hostile tone.

Suddenly, it felt hard to breathe. The shadows around (Y/N) began to suffocate him.

He struggled to free himself, but his body was too weak. "W-What the hell?!" (Y/N) yelled as he began ripping and tearing away at the darkness that suffocated him. In a mere instant, a pair of hands came from the dark and began to strangle him.

"The fuck?!" (Y/N) cried as he began to pry the hands off his throat.

"You..." The voice said, almost sounding broken.

"Huh?" He simply said, sounding completely confused.

"YOU TOO WILL SUFFER!!!" The screeching voice turned into a multitude of voices fused into one, shouting at the young man, only growing louder as they pulled him closer and closer. "JUST AS YOU HAD MADE US!!!"

Azure Dragon Emperor: High School DxD X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now