Jax and Ethan

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"Do we have to go?" I asked my dad for the millionth time.

"Yes! Now be quiet and get ready." He Growled in his Alpha voice.

I hung my head and walked back to my room to get ready. We were going to see my brother and his family for dinner. I didn't mind going to visit my brother, it was his family that was the problem. They were human. Up until now Knox would just come and visit us, I didn't see why we had to go see him.


"Daddy!" Knox squeeled jumping into our father Max's arms.

"Hi pumpkin." Arlis kissed the top of my brothers head and gave him a pat on the back.

I smiled down at my older brother. He was much smaller than me although he too had Alpha genes. If it came down to a physical fight I would definetly win. There was no telling who had more will power though.

"Oh good you dragged Jax along as well." He said finally noticing.

I threw him a look and looked around the house a bit. I heard footsteps from the kitchen and saw Austin, my brothers mate, enter the room.

"Hi guys! How have you been?" He greeted.

"Good, how are you? What was it you guys wanted us to see?" Arlis asked pleasantly.

"Well dad I know you thought we should wait a bit longer but I didn't see why when me and Austin both finished collage..." Knox began to explain.

That's when I heard the pitter patter of little feet running down the stairs.

"We adopted a two year old boy!" Austin blurted out looking at my father nervously.

He knew who he should fear. The smaller man was ten times more menacing than the overbareing looking Arlis.

"WHAT!" Max exploded.

"He's really sweet! I'm sure you guys will love-" Knox was interrupted by I small child's voice.

"Dawwy! Can I have cookie?"

I looked down at the tiny boy. He looked more like one than two he had the largest blue eyes and perfect golden curls.

I loved him instantly.

"Ethan papa just gave you a cookie. No more until after dinner ok?" Knox answered the boy sweetly.

"Buh dawwy! I wan a cookie!" The beautiful boy began to cry.

My heart broke for him. I had to stay calm.  Austin was still in the room. I had to tell my father imediately without alerting Austin or Knox. Lucky for me Arlis was giving me a strange look. He nudged his mate and whispered something into his ear. Max nodded and turned towards me his unseeing eyes seemed to look straight through me.

"Jax a word." It wasn't a question.

"Ooooh Jax is in trouble!" Knox mocked. He could be such a baby sometimes.

We ignored him as the little angel giggled at his daddies silliness. My father latched onto my arm as I led him out of the house so we could speak in private.

"What's the matter Jax? Arlis said you had a wierd look on your face." Max sat on one of the porch chairs. How the heck did he know where to sit?

"The boy is my mate." I told him without beating around the bush.

His eyes widened and he gasped. "He's  two! And he's human!"

My father was furious. He didn't shout but I could hear the steel in his voice.

"I know. How will this work? I don't mean his age. I won't mate with him until he's old enough of course!  I hope you would never even think that for a second. I just don't know how he can be my mate without telling him about wolves. I'm the next alpha of our pack I can't step down like Knox." I didn't know what to do.

"This will be different. He can grow up knowing about us, it won't scare him then... but his dad won't take it well. He has never known about us. He might hate Knox for not telling him. Don't mess this up for Knox." My father ordered.

Of course he wouldn't want me to mess things up for his baby. I was just the replacement, Knox was my parents real son. They adopted him when he was still a baby. They got me when I was ten.

I shook off my jealousy and nodded, it was a force of habit so I spoke up for his benefit. "The child will probably think it's cool. When he tells his dad about us Austin won't believe it. Then when he's a bit older we can explain why he can't tell his dad."

"Ok... but if I think Knox is in jeopardy for a second we have to change plans." Max reinforced.

I nodded uselessly once more and held out my hand. "Now that that's settled. Can I go meet my mate? I don't even know his name."

Max smiled and nodded standing and reaching out for me. I took his hand and we went back inside.

My little mate was now in his father's arms. Austin was having a friendly conversation with Arlis while Knox was no where to be seen

I didn't pay much attention to anyone else in the room besides my mate the rest of the visit, I think Knox noticed because he cornered me outside of the bathroom when I went.

"What's up with you? Stop staring at Ethan, Austin is starting to notice." He said glareing at me.

"I know I'm sorry." I blurted out.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked.

"Ethan is my mate." I looked down at Knox expecting a violent reaction.

Instead Knox paled. "No...."

He took a step back and shook his head. "You can't do this! I left the pack to be with Austin and your going to ruin it!"

"No! I would never do that to you. Dad and I have already discussed it. You know dad wouldn't agree to anything that would jeopardize his precious son." I hissed at him.

I was getting more and more pissed with the situation. Why should my own mate be withheld from me because my brother was too weak to tell his mate the truth?

Knox sighed. "I'm sorry Jax. It's just, Austin is everything to me. If I lose him I don't know what I would do. Watch, when Ethan grows up you will see just how frail a human's love can be."

I cooled instantly at his words. Ethan was human. He would never be as attached to me as I was to him. The thought was saddening. I nodded accepting his apology.

"I know. I didn't want this either brother." I told him honestly.

I turned to go but Knox stopped me.

"Oh and stop with that 'father and daddy don't love me' bull shit. They do and I don't think they have a favorite either. It's all in your head." He assured me.

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