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The One Hundred Year War has ended and a new era has begun...

The coronation of the new Fire Lord, Zuko.

The retired General Iroh, has come to his new tea shop at Ba Sing Se,

The victory of Avatar Aang,

The coronation of the new South Pole's water princess, Katara,

The new South pole Chief, Sokka,

The metal bending inventor Toph Bei Fong,

Suki, is now the leader of the Kyoshi Warrior's,

Tylee has become a member of the Kyoshi Warrior's,

and Mai has found her destiny...


Before the day of the Fire Lords coronation, a huge, bright, and glowing light showed up in the room of the soon to be Fire Lord.... A ladies face appeared and she had a huge hat on her with red paint marks on her beautiful face.

It was The Painted Lady.

Then, all of a sudden, she began to talk...

"In the prophecy, fire and water must be together or else the world will be in grave danger."

And then the light faded...

Water and Flame (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now