Chapter 1

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Meryl just finished packing her suit case, and looked around the room she had shared with her husband for 25 years and collapsed on the bed crying. She NEVER in a million years thought this would happen; she never thought she would leave, but she felt like she had no choice. Never in a million years would she have thought that she could live without her great love, but here she was preparing to do just that. She had never felt lonelier in her life. He didn't see her anymore, he didn't touch her, he didn't smile, and he only talked about things he had to talk about. He seemed fine with it, but she wanted them back; the them they had vowed they would always be. She felt like this was all she could do. She sat on the bed as the last 32 years came crashing down around her; she loved him more than anything but she couldn't take it anymore. Then she heard his voice, why would he be in there; she could feel him touching her. What was going on?


"Meryl baby, wake up, dinner's ready." Don said with a kiss to her head.

Meryl continued to cry. "Have to...have to."

"Darl, what is it?" Don asked concerned as he moved the Hope Springs script she was reading when she fell asleep from her chest. "I actually made dinner; wake up and tell me how bad it is."

Meryl woke up jarred; it was a nightmare, an awful nightmare. She sat up and threw her arms around her husband's neck. "Oh, Don."

"Baby, you're shaking." Don said with a kiss to her head as he pulled away. "Did you have a nightmare?"

Meryl took a deep breath, but then her nightmare came back when she saw suitcases at the foot of the bed, and realized she was in their bedroom in New York and not Salisbury. "Wait; why are our suitcases out? Am I leaving you? Are you leaving me?"

"Meryl!" Don gasped. "Of course not; or should I say that I sure as hell hope not. We're going to Indy tomorrow and started packing; remember? You came up here to read your script and fell asleep; dinner is ready."

Meryl took another sigh of relief as she kissed his lips. "Thank God!"

"What is it?" Don asked as he wiped her tears; having NO idea where that had come from. "What was your nightmare?"

Meryl choked as she picked up her script and looked at where she was. "I must have fallen asleep when Kay was packing to leave. I dreamed we were like Kay and Arnold and I was leaving you."

"You're not; are you?" Don tried to tease; he knew better. He wanted to try to lighten her mood.

Tears sprang to Meryl eyes as she grabbed his head in her hands. "NEVER; I would NEVER leave you. You have to know that."

"Baby, I was teasing, I know that. I was just trying to make you smile." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "You know what I think happened?"

Meryl shook her head. "Tell me."

"Well, we're going to Indy tomorrow for several days which is always hard for both of us and usually leaves us raw because of the past even though James is gone." Don began. "You were reading about Kay and Arnold after we packed; and your fears came out in your dream. Baby, we're nothing like them. I am even crazier about you than the day we married and can't keep my hands and lips off you. I'm not leaving you; and you sure as hell aren't leaving me-I wouldn't let you. We're okay, Darl, I promise you my love."

Meryl smiled as he pressed his lips to hers. "You're right; it just felt so damn real. I can't shake that feeling."

"I know, baby, but it's not. It will NEVER EVER happen. I will NEVER leave you and I sure as hell won't let you walk out the door on me." Don soothed as he held her trembling form tightly. He hated what this "dream" did to her.. "Well, that's the last time I let you nap alone."

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