Chapter 7

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Meryl smiled as she woke up the next morning and felt her husband placing kisses along her neck, shoulder and bare back. She moaned in delight as the cupped the back of his head, running her fingers through the curly gray hair she loved so much. "Morning, handsome."

"Good morning." Don said as she turned on her back and he kissed her lips; then she deepened it for a little while. "A very good morning, my beautiful wife."

Meryl noticed how much less stressed he looked; and she was relieved. Yes, he had hurt her terribly; but she realized it was because his life had been turned upside down thanks to his mother and the asshole James, that he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. She NEVER wanted him to think that the next shoe to drop could be them. She wouldn't let that happen; and she knew he wouldn't either.  It hurt her that he was hurting so badly; and it came out hurting her. She knew how badly he felt. She also knew her husband, and the guilt would be with him for awhile.  "How's my guy doing this morning?" She asked cupping his handsome face.

"I'm better." Don smiled as he kissed her lips again; and then got a guilty and sad look on his face. "I hate that I hurt you so badly. I'm so sorry, Darl."

Meryl shook her head as she gave him a smile. "It's over, Don Man; and most importantly, we are back on track. What really hurts is that you were hurting so badly and had so many insecurities about US, insecurities that I NEVER want you to have, and I didn't know."

"I don't think I really realized it until I was trying to figure out how and why I hurt you so badly." Don said as she kissed his lips. "Mmmm...that isn't why I came to the set. I came to the set because I was really missing you and wanted to surprise you like you surprise me."

Meryl smiled sweetly at him as she stroked the mole under his right eye. "I know that, now. Baby, please talk to me. Don't let this bottle up. I know I haven't been around much and we're changing that with my shooting schedule, which will be over soon. I don't care about your family or your blood line; I only care about you. Who, by the way, gets even more gorgeous and God damn sexier everyday."

"I will talk to you. I promise." Don said kissing all over her face as he pressed his forehead to hers. "We're okay? Really?"

Meryl nodded as she smiled. "We're REALLY okay; especially after the ways you lavished AND ravished me last night then early this morning. Please stop worrying, sweetheart."

"Good." Don said breathing in relief.

Meryl watched him get out of bed, naked, admiring the view then pouted when he covered it up with a robe. "Hey, I was enjoying the view."

"I'm glad."Don winked. "But I'm going to go make my wife breakfast in bed."

Meryl shook her head as she got up and put on her robe. "No, WE are going to make breakfast."

"Even better idea." Don winked as she took his hand and led him downstairs.


Meryl and Don were having a great time cooking breakfast in the kitchen. It still kind of weirded her out that her parents' house was now their romantic getaway place; but she and Don were working on making their own memories there. They were laughing and singing to music on the radio as they cooked together; something they loved doing but hadn't done much lately because of their schedules. Meryl had just finished plating their scrambled eggs and fresh fruit along with toast when she felt him come up behind her and turn her towards him. She immediately started laughing when she saw he had a wooden spoon in his hand and was using it as a microphone. Her giggles turned into loud laughter when she realized what he was singing. "Oh, God." She laughed.

Wild thing, you make my heart sing
You make everything groovy, wild thing
Wild thing, I think I love you
But I wanna know for sure
Come on and hold me tight
I love you

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