Chapter 77

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Meryl had pulled herself together enough by the time she got down to Maeve and Liz; she really was grateful to them for spending the night with her and trying to lift her spirits. She knew Don would be alright, which she was so thankful for; she just felt overwhelmed with all the changes and ups and downs. She couldn't help but smile to herself that through all the ups and downs that hers and Don's connection to one another only got stronger. However, she hated that the ups and downs along with the uncertainties landed him in the hospital. Though it killed her not to be with him in his hospital room, she realized the best thing she could do for him was give him piece of mind and if her sleeping at home that night gave him piece of mind regarding hers and the baby's health then she would do that. As soon as she got back to their penthouse apartment with Liz and Maeve she left them in the kitchen when they said they brought snacks and wanted to get it together so she could go shower. She couldn't wait to take a nice warm shower; she knew that would also help her and the baby. After showering she changed into her favorite pair of yoga pants as well as one of Don's long sleeve sweatshirts that she loved wearing, she pulled her wet hair into a messy bun and something in their bedroom caught her eye that didn't earlier; something she knew was not there that morning-a beautiful bouquet of flowers. A huge smile came to her face as well as tears to her eyes when she was pretty sure she knew who they were from. She saw there was a note sitting next to the flowers. The tears started to roll down her face as she read his words:

My wonderful wife,

I can't stop thinking about the words in the song we slow danced to earlier today in Lillian Grace's nursery; even though I know were not really into the country music genre but that song spoke to me more than I could tell you...what would my life be like had I never met a woman like you?  Well, first of all it would be total and utter shit, that's what it would be like. If I'd never met you I would probably eat too many cheeseburgers and drink too many beers; but I am pretty sure you already knew that.

Meryl laughed and wiped her tears as she continued to read.

Had I never met you I never would have known the feeling of someone looking at me like I am the only person in the world for them; even while everyone is wanting her attention, and yet she only has eyes and a heart for me. Had I never met you I wouldn't know what it's like to love someone so completely and unconditionally like I do you and our amazing children. Had I never met you I wouldn't know the joy of raising a family with the love of my life, and the joy and complexities of being a parent; because you are the ONLY woman I was meant to have a family with. If I had never met you I would be dead because you and our wonderful, yet sometimes infuriating, children give me life. It really is too awful to think about because you are everything to me. When I think about it all I see is darkness; but you are all light. I love you, Mary Louise Gummer. I do not want you for one SECOND to think I'm in the hospital because of you. I'm not, Darl. I'm alive because of you. I'm successful because of you. I'm happy because of you. I'm the luckiest man in the world because of you. Everything I have and everything I am is because of you. Have a fun girls' night, I know it's just what you need, and I'll see you in the morning. Don't get too crazy without me. I love you, my girl.

Meryl didn't even bother to wipe away her tears, or the smile that came to her face. He always knew what she needed. She knew he knew how much she hated not being in the hospital with him but here he somehow arranged for this beautiful note (that looked suspiciously like her sister-in-law's handwriting) and flowers to be waiting for her. She was pretty sure all that was put in place while she was in the shower. Just the fact that he arranged all that while he was in the hospital meant the world to her, but it didn't really surprise her as that was her Don Man, all over. She knew deep down she wasn't the reason he was there, that it was everything from the past year, but she NEVER wanted to be the cause of his pain or stress. She quickly reached for her phone and started talking as soon as she heard the click, before he could even start talking. "Had I never met the great Donald Gummer? I wouldn't be able to breathe; because you are the reason I draw breath. Had I never met you I wouldn't know the joys, and challenges, of raising a big noisy and beautiful family with the greatest man in the world. Had I never met you I wouldn't know how amazing it is to be married to the love of your life; because marriage never felt right until I met you, with you everything is just right. Had I never met you I wouldn't know what safety and happiness really meant and felt like. Had I never met you I wouldn't know the feeling of everything being right in the world just by seeing you smile at me holding and my hand. Had I never met you I wouldn't have known the joys of carrying babies; babies who were created by the amazing love and passion we have for one another. I'm so glad I get to do it one last time; even at this age. I love you, Donald Gummer. You aren't just a part of me; you are me, I am you. We are one."

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