Chapter 82

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It was about a week later and everything was back to normal in the Gummer household; actually it was better than normal as Don was making up for not being able to make love to his wife and Meryl was in the horny stage of her pregnancy which her husband didn't mind at all. He was mindful that she needed to take it easy and be careful; but he was also more than happy to help her scratch her itches. It was a day of appointments beginning with Don's follow up appointment with Dr. Abbott and they almost didn't make it out of the apartment in time because neither of them could keep their hands off the other.


Meryl and Don were showed to the examination room when one of Dr. Abbott's nurses, Lisa, walked in as Meryl sat in a chair across from where Don was sitting on the exam table. Meryl was always convinced this particular nurse continually hit on Don. "Hey, Don."

"Hi, Lisa." Don smiled at the nurse as he was sure he could see the green eyed monster rear it's ugly head in his wife. "How ya doing?"

Lisa smiled as she was taking his pulse. "Great. Hi, Meryl."

"Lisa." Meryl tried to smiled sweetly as her eyes glared when she was pretty sure the bitch was feeling up his arm muscles.

Don smirked to himself when he saw Meryl's eyes narrow as Lisa touched him. "How are Greg and the kids?"

"Great." Lisa smiled as she marked some things down. "Don, take your shirt off for me."

Don winked at his wife as he could see how jealous she was getting. "Of course."

"Why does his shirt need to be off?" Meryl asked; jealous that the nurse was touching his bare chest.

Lisa listened to his heart and lungs. "Just easier to get an accurate reading. Looks like you've lost some more weight Don. Meryl, try to fatten him up."

"Oh, she is trying." Don said coming to Meryl's rescue. "She also likes exercising with me."

Meryl tried to laugh; she knew the exercise he was referring to was sex. "We do; so does our baby."

"That's right." Lisa said as she wrote some things down. "How far along?"

Don saw the proud look on his wife's face as she was obviously marking her territory. "16 weeks."

"Don's going with me to my 4 month check today." Meryl said.

Lisa smiled at them both. "That's wonderful. Okay Don, everything is looking good. Really good."

"You mean his vitals?" Meryl asked and Lisa nodded. Meryl was pretty sure the nurse was checking him out.

Don rolled his eyes at his wife. "Thanks, Lisa. Put my shirt back on?"

"You might as well leave it off for Hal." Meryl said tongue in cheek.

Lisa nodded. "He might want to listen as well. Dr. Abbott will be in soon. Can I get you anything?"

"I'll get him whatever he needs." Meryl said just wanting to be alone with him.

Don was trying so hard not to laugh at his wife. "I'm fine, thanks Lisa."

"Just hang tight." Lisa said as she walked out the room.

As soon as Lisa left Meryl had pounced on her husband so fast that he didn't know what hit him until he felt her tongue try to claim his own. Don was immediately taken back as he tried to push her away. ""

"You drive me crazy with need." Meryl moaned as she ran her hands up and down his bare chest since he hadn't put his shirt back on.

Don pulled away. "Meryl! We're in the doctor's office."

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