Chapter 13

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The night went much better for the Gummers. Don was able to keep Meryl calm and relaxed so her vitals were better. First thing the next morning they called Larry who confirmed what Don thought: he couldn't do anything with strange feelings and a few weird phone calls. He did check to make sure that Mann and Raymore were still in prison which they were; this made Meryl feel a little better but Meryl was still worried. They had called her brothers to tell them what was going on. Third offered for him and Maeve to go to their apartment and bring them some things which Don and Meryl quickly took them up on. They also called the kids who were all out of town working, except for Louisa who was away at school. Meryl and Don made it clear that none of them were going to change their plans, that Don would keep them updated and that their mother would be just fine. Don tried to keep her calm as much as possible. Meryl was nervous when they were going to take her for tests. Dr. Abbott assured them he would be with her. Don told her he would be fine; that he would go get them something to eat and be right back to her room. Waiting for her.


Meryl's tests were a lot quicker than she and Don expected; so she wasn't exactly surprised that he wasn't back in her room yet when she arrived back in there, though she still worried about him being gone. She was resting, waiting for him, when her nurse came in. "Mrs. Gummer, this was left at the nurse's desk for you."

"Oh, thank you." Meryl said as she looked at the envelope the nurse handed her; and became nervous when it said Mary Gummer. The same name the man who called their house called her. She immediately became worried about Don and his safety. "Do you know where my husband is?"

The nurse nodded as she finished recording Meryl's current vitals. "He went down to the cafeteria. The doctor said you can eat whatever you want and I think Mr. Gummer was taking him up on it. I know none of us were expecting your tests to go so quickly; so you beat him back here."

"Yeah, I just didn't think the cafeteria was that far away." Meryl said nervously; waiting until she was alone to read the letter.

The nurse smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure he'll be back any minute. Can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you." Meryl smiled thinking she just wanted her husband and to know he was safe. She was feeling that more and more as she read the letter.

Mary Gummer,

You don't know me. I don't know you. I just hope you aren't this adulterous bitch everyone says you are. Donald is very important to me, as is his well-being; I am truly upset that he is stuck with a wife like you. He deserves the best; and from what I am being told that isn't you. I have seen him look at you, the love he has in his eyes for you. I have seen him walking with his arm around you. I have seen him cover you up with his jacket. I just hope you give him the same kind of love. I haven't seen proof of that. Do him a favor and let him go. I have a feeling he and his family would be happier.

We'll be in touch...

Meryl was shaking. NONE of this was a coincidence anymore. The hospital was under a gag order not to reveal she was in there. But this person knew and left her a letter at the nurse's station. Now her husband wasn't back when he said he would be. She immediately called his cell phone and was relieved when he answered. "Hey there, beautiful. Are you done with the tests?"

"Yeah." Meryl said trying to calm down; relieved he answered. "I was just worried when you weren't back yet."

Don smiled at the cashier as he paid. "I'm just paying. I'm sorry. Third called to check on you and I got held up. I'll be up in a few minutes. Are you okay?"

"Just missing you." Meryl sighed. 

Don smiled as he cradled the phone and picked up the food. "I'll be up there before you know it."

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