Chapter 45

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It was several days later and all the Gummers and Browns were enjoying brunch at Don and Meryl's apartment before Brad, Jane, Mike and Maggie all headed back to Indianapolis. It was decided that brunch would be at Don and Meryl's in an effort to keep Meryl down but that proved to be futile. For the last several days it had taken Don plus LOTS of reinforcements to try and keep Meryl off her feet. She was already going stir crazy and she hoped the bed rest would ease up a bit after her appointment with her OBGYN the first of the year. Don had left the table to go and answer the door and Meryl took the opportunity to go and clean up in the kitchen. Don came back in with an envelope of pictures from The Iron Lady premiere that had just been delivered and he noticed someone wasn't there. "Where is she?"

"Who knows." Liz laughed. "She's is going crazy."

Don shook his head. "She's making me crazy with not resting and staying off her feet."

"She's been making you crazy for almost 34 years." Larry teased.

Maggie pointed towards the kitchen. "I saw her head that way."

"Of course you did." Don sighed as he put the envelope of pictures on the sideboard in the dining room. "I'll be back."

"Poor Meryl." Mike laughed.

Jane shook her head. "Poor Don."


Don shook his head as he walked into the kitchen and saw his wife loading items in the dishwasher. They had all told her over and over that they would take care of the clean up; but of course here she was. Don snuck up behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and placing his hands on her flat stomach, and kissed her neck. "I caught you!"

"I always like it when you catch me." Meryl flirted back.

Don led her away from the dishwasher as he continued to hold her and kiss her neck. "I thought I said no cleaning for you, missy."

"Your lips on my neck is making me forget what I was doing." Meryl sighed as she leaned her head back against his shoulder.

Don moved her shirt to the side so he could kiss her shoulder. "How's this?"

"I almost forgot about all the dishes and laundry that needs to be done; as well as all the beds that need fresh sheets on them." She moaned as he kissed that spot under her ear that always made her putty in his hands. "Oooohhh, right there."

Don turned her around in his arms so he could kiss her lips and then her forehead. "NO CLEANING! Seriously, M, we've got this. I've got this."

"And I'm supposed to be laying down on the couch while you do ALL the work?" Meryl asked as he shook his head yes. "That's not fair to you, Don."

Don shook his head as he then looked around to make sure no one could hear them. "I am happy to do all this if it means my beautiful wife and our miracle baby are happy and healthy. Let me wait on you. Let me lavish you. Take it while you can get it."

"Such a sweet talker, Gummer."  Meryl laughed as she closed her eyes when his lips began working on the base of her throat. "When you kiss me like this I forget about everything else."

Don smirked as he kissed her lips. "So, should I have my lips attached to your body for the next 9 months?"

"I think that's a good idea." Meryl mumbled against his lips. "A very good idea."


The next day Don was situating Meryl on the couch after they had said goodbye to Jane, Brad, Mike and Maggie. The kids were all back at their apartments and Louisa had gone back to Vassar to get ready for the next semester. Don looked around. "It's quiet."

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