Chapter 31

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The next afternoon Meryl walked into the sitting room in her robe and was worried when she heard her husband on the phone.  She thought they had moved past this. "Yeah, I'm leaving right now. I should make it in time. See ya in a minute. Bye."

"Don?" Meryl asked as tears appeared in her eyes. "You're leaving? I thought we worked this out. I don't want you to leave. I want and need you here."

Don sighed as he walked over to her and put his phone in his pocket. He placed loving kisses on her lips and then her forehead. "I'm not LEAVING. I mean I'm leaving the suite but I'll still be in the hotel. Henry and Ben are down having some beers while the girls are up here getting ready with you. I'll get ready in Henry and Susie's room since she'll be here." Don pointed to his suit bag laid over a chair. "I'll take my suit with me. Then I will pick you up in here."

"Sorry." Meryl said feeling stupid. "I just thought that after last night..."

Don lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes as he kissed her lips. "We're fine, sweetheart; we're perfect. You don't need me in here. This place will be buzzing with estrogen and stockings and makeup and curling irons."

"Save yourself." Meryl laughed. "I'm glad you'll have time with the boys. I'm sorry, I'm just anxious and am terrified of not having you..."

Don shook his head as he played with her wedding ring. "NOTHING and NOBODY could keep me away from you, Mrs. Gummer; especially this weekend. I am so damn proud of you. I also find it hot that MY arm is the one you'll be on tonight."

"And every night." Meryl laughed. "Thank you for being here with me."

Don pulled her close. "I wouldn't be anywhere else. Now, have fun with the girls. When Roy is about to lose his mind tell him he can have a beer with us."

"He's almost as used to this crew as you are." Meryl winked. "Have fun with the boys and don't get too drunk."

Don placed a kiss to her cheek as he went to pick up his suit bag. "Not without my girl. See ya later."

"Bye." Meryl placed one last kiss on his lips as she took a deep breath. "Time to get this show going."


Meryl, Susie, Grace and Mamie were all getting ready in Don and Meryl's suite. Each getting their time with Roy. Leaving Meryl to the very last. They were having a good time drinking, except for Susie who was drinking sparkling cider. They were also eating snacks. Meryl went up to Roy in-between his time with the girls. "Are we driving you crazy yet?"

"I've been with you for over 30 years." Roy said setting out some more supplies in the large bathroom. "You drove me to crazy somewhere in the 80s. They're just extensions of you."

Meryl playfully smacked him. "Watch it, Helland. Can I get you anything?"

"Water and some cashews?" Roy smiled at him as she walked off. His ears tuned into a conversation Mamie was having in the adjoining bedroom and knew it wasn't good. 

Mamie was pacing as Grace and Susie were listening in. "Lou, what do you mean you won't make it in time?"

"My flight is delayed; I have no idea when it will leave." Louisa said as she was pacing in the Stewart International Airport. "Due to my last final today I was cutting it close time wise as it was. There is no way I can make it to the hotel in time to get ready and everything and leave when we need to leave. I'm not going to make it."

Mamie was trying to think this through. "What if you rent a car and drive here?"

"Mamie!" Louisa exclaimed. "It's an over 5 hour drive. There is no way I would make it in time that way either."

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