Chapter 59

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Once the kids left and everything was cleaned up; Meryl was laying in bed while Don was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, talking to her, though she really wasn't listening to a thing her husband was saying to her-her mind and heart was elsewhere. "I told Dad that we will all be at the lake house in time for dinner on Friday night. I've rented three cars; one for us, one for Henry and Susie and one for the girls. The girls all want to share a room; so I booked three hotel rooms as well. I think Dad wanted us to stay at the lake house but I would be more comfortable with all of us at the hotel; I think you and Susie would rest better at the hotel with some privacy. Louisa should land around the time we do. How does that sound? Meryl? Darl? Hello?" Don walked into their bedroom to see his wife sitting up in bed, twirling her wedding ring and staring off into space. "Mrs. Gummer? Hello?"

"I'm feeling alright tonight." Meryl said not really paying attention to what Don was saying to her.

Don knew something was bothering her; and he was pretty sure he knew what it was. He placed his finger under her chin and tilted her head to his. "I'm glad; but that's not really what I was asking."

"I'm sorry." Meryl sighed. "My mind was elsewhere."

Don nodded. "Mamie and Ben?"

"Yeah." Meryl choked. "I'm worried, Don."

Don tucked her hair behind her ear. "Because of Mamie's reaction as to why he wasn't here and not going to Indy with us?"

"Partly." Meryl said. "Did you see the looks she and Grace were giving each other when his name was mentioned. Gracie knows something. Maybe I'll call her."

Don reached for Meryl's hand before she could grab the phone. "No, you won't. She's an adult. She knows that we are always here for her if she needs us; or WANTS us involved in anything."

"Does she? Does she know that?" Meryl asked as she blinked back tears. "Have I been too consumed with the baby and my health? Have I missed something?"

Don sighed as he kissed her forehead. "Sweetheart, this baby is a wonderful surprise but also a shock that comes with MANY complications. We need to be concentrated on keeping you both well. One of us talks to Mamie everyday; all of the kids everyday. We always talk and ask about her and Ben. If she wants us to know something then she'll tell us."

"Something isn't right, Don." Meryl pointed out. "We haven't seen him since Christmas. That's almost two months."

Don nodded. "Remember how it was in the beginning of our careers? We didn't see or talk to your parents all the time. Especially before Henry."

"Yeah." Meryl agreed.

Don studied the look on her face. "Mother's intuition?"

"Yeah." Meryl said.

Don nodded. "I agree there was something in the air and she was defensive; but it could be anything. Maybe it's them finding work. Maybe it's the new apartment. Maybe it's something in his family."

"I know." Meryl agreed.

Don was thinking about it. "See if you two can get together before we leave. That will make you feel better; and hopefully make her feel better."

"I think I will." Meryl said now smiling at him. "My hormones aren't helping either."

Don laughed at her. "Yeah; but Mamie will always be our baby. I'm concerned too. Talk to her; just try not to get too stressed about this."

"Okay." Meryl winked at him. "Now, what were you saying to me?"


The next day Meryl and Mamie were eating lunch at Mamie's house. "I'm glad we could have lunch together, sweetheart; I've been missing time with you."

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