Chapter 73

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Don and Meryl were sitting with the kids in the den playing games and eating ice cream. Don winked at Meryl and looked at the kids. "I think I'm going to gain weight with all the ice cream we've been eating."

"Don't complain." Meryl teased. "You're the one whose trying to fatten me up."

Susie laughed. "Maybe we can try to lose the baby weight together."

"It's a plan." Meryl laughed as she pointed to her son. "I've never lost the weight from that one."

Henry shook his head as he heard that often. "But look at the amazing human being you got in return. It was worth it."

"The jury is still out on that one." Meryl teased.

Grace noticed how her mom kept looking at the phone. "They'll call, Mom."

"And everything will be fine." Mamie said, referring to how her parents had been waiting all day for news about the amnio test results.  "We know it."

Don raised Meryl's hand to his lips. "Of course it will be."

"You kids really didn't have to come over." Meryl said seeing as the kids surprised their parents by popping over. "We would have called to tell you the results. I promised Lou we would call her immediately."

Don nodded as he looked at his Scrabble tiles. "That's right. We don't want to keep you from anything; but we are so glad you're here."

"Nothing's going on that we should be at." Mamie said. "We promise."

Meryl nodded. "Mames, are you sure you feel safe at your apartment?"

"I do." Mamie nodded; knowing her mother was referring to the fact that she had started staying at her apartment again. "He's out of the country working; it's my place. I bought it. I'm not going to let him run me out."

Don winked at their oldest daughter. "That's my Mamie girl."

"OUR Mamie girl." Meryl teased. "I know Daddy changed the locks; but the doorman knows not to let him up?"

Mamie nodded. "I promise; it's fine. You have another one to worry about."

"We will NEVER stop worrying about you." Don said strongly then looked at the rest of their children. "ANY of you."

Just as Meryl was about to agree her cell phone rang and she looked at Don. "It's Dr. Taylor."

"We'll be back." Don said helping Meryl up and leading her to the closest empty room; as glad as they were that the kids were over they wanted to be alone when they got the results so they could process before talking to the kids.

Meryl put the phone on speaker as Don closed the door to their office and then sat down with Don sitting next to her. "Okay, Dr. Taylor, I have you on speaker and Don is here with me. You have the results of the amnio?"

"I do." Dr. Taylor nodded as she looked at her file.

Don took Meryl's phone in his right hand as he wrapped his left arm tightly around her. "No matter what, Darl."

"Together." Meryl whispered as she laid her head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of her head. "We're ready, Anne."

Dr. Taylor smiled broadly. "You definitely have a miracle baby, you two. Everything came back clear. No chromosomal abnormalities. I'm not saying things are going to be smooth sailing and everything will be perfect; we all know the dangers with Meryl's age. However, right now everything is looking perfect."

"Really?" Meryl choked with tears in her eyes as she smiled up at Don. "Our baby really is okay?"

Dr. Taylor was looking over Meryl's chart. "Really. Clear amnio. Great heartbeat. Right on track with size. Meryl, I still want you off your feet as much as possible."

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