Chapter 78

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Late that night Maeve and Liz met each other in the hallway after Maeve went to get something to drink and Liz had to use the bathroom. "I drank too much tonight." Maeve laughed.

"Your sister-in-law is evil." Liz laughed. "Making us drink because she can't."

Maeve laughed at Liz. "You've known her longer than I have; you should know this by now."

"True." Liz smiled. "Do you think she's okay?"

Maeve shrugged. "She put up a good front tonight and I do know the note and flowers from Don helped; but you know how those two are. I'm sure him being in the hospital without her being there for him, making sure he's getting good care especially after what happened to her, is killing her. I know it would be so incredibly hard for me to not stay with Third if he were in the hospital."

"Me too; but she seemed determined not to be there since he said he would rest better knowing she was here with us." Liz pointed out as Maeve nodded. "However, I also know how those two are even after all these years."

Maeve laughed. "We should probably go check on her and make sure she's okay. Don was really concerned that she'd been too busy these past few days and not having her feet up enough."

"Don is always concerned." Liz laughed as she quietly opened Don and Meryl's bedroom door. "Maeve?!"

Maeve looked around and saw that the bed hadn't been slept in; she quickly turned on the lights. "Mer?" She yelled as she walked into the empty bathroom. "Mary Louise?"

"She's not in the closet." Liz sighed.

Maeve went to her bedside table. "Her glasses, phone and charger are all gone."

"Shit." Liz said. "We had one job to do."

Maeve sighed. "Let's go look through the rest of the apartment."

"It was all dark and empty." Liz sighed. "What are we going to do?"

Maeve started to think. "Let's get dressed and call our husbands and Dana. Let's go look for her. Maybe she went to his studio?"

"Or the Manhattan Bridge where he proposed?" Liz said. "Shouldn't we call Don?"

Maeve shook her head. "NO! We are not calling my brother-in-law until we have to; this will definitely send him over the edge."


"What do you mean you've lost my sister?!" Third exclaimed over the phone to Maeve. "She's 62 and in her second trimester. How in the hell can you lose her?"

Maeve sighed. "Third, you are really not helping right now."

"You're right, sorry." Third sighed. "Please tell me you haven't told Don yet; I talked to him earlier in the night and he was so worried about her. Deep down he wanted her with him; but he is so worried about her preeclampsia; not to mention her heart and all the other stress on her body from the pregnancy."

Maeve nodded as she and Liz were getting around. "I know he is; that's why we concocted this plan. Can you call Dana and have him meet us at the studio?"

"You think she's there?" Third asked.

Maeve shrugged. "I have no clue; but we need to look everywhere we can think of before contacting Don and giving him a stroke or heart attack, Third."

"I'll call him." Third said. "Ask the doorman if he's seen her. Oh, check Damascus Bakery around the corner from his studio in Brooklyn. They've been going there a lot for her cravings."

Maeve nodded. "Okay, I'll keep you updated. Love you."

"Thanks, I'll call Dana." Third said. "I love you too, bye."

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