Chapter 34

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Meryl stirred awake much too soon for her liking. She felt like she and Don didn't get too much sleep due to getting back to the hotel late, visiting with Louisa, having their own private time and then getting woken up to the Dustin Hoffman drama. Meryl felt a shiver down her spine when she thought of everything that happened with Dustin; then she thought about her  husband. Her Don. The way he protected her and their family; almost to a fault at times, but it only made her fall in love with him even more. She had no idea what she did right in her life to have such an amazing husband; but she was just glad he chose her again everyday to love and to do life with. Even in his sleep he still had an arm around her, holding her close. She couldn't resist leaning down to kiss his neck. No response. She then moved to his chin. No response. She began kissing around his face which usually elicited some kind of movement from him; but still no response. She then decided to kiss his lips. Just as her lips touched his she felt him hold her head to his and him immediately deepening the kiss. She then squealed in delight as he flipped her on her back and he started kissing her neck. "You were awake the whole time."

"Guilty." He smirked as he kissed over her face. "I was enjoying all those kisses."

Meryl laughed. "I wouldn't exactly call you kiss deprived, Don."

"Not ever going to happen." Don mumbled against her lips. "We like kissing too much."

Meryl smiled against his lips. "I kinda like that about us."

"I REALLY like that about us." Don smiled, happy that she seemed so relaxed. "I also noticed you watching me 'sleep.'"

Meryl traced her fingers along his face. "I like watching you sleep. I was thinking about how lucky I am that you choose me again every single day; also about how lucky our children are to have such an amazing father."

"I'm the lucky one." Don smiled. "You could have anyone but you've chosen me everyday for over 33 years."

His words got to her. "I don't want just ANYONE; I want you."

"I want you too, baby." Don winked. "Okay, enough mushiness it's going to be a good day; a busy one. We better get our asses moving."

Meryl reached under him and grabbed his ass. "I do love watching your ass move."

"I can't wait to watch your ass move in that dress tonight." Don winked. "Let's get going, Ms. Kennedy Center honoree."

Meryl laughed at her husband as she got out of bed and looked at him over her shoulder. "That's Mrs. Gummer to you, buddy."


Meryl finished up in the shower, after she and Don showered together, shaving and then doing other things to get ready for the day ahead. She walked out of the bathroom in her robe, drying her hair with a towel as she heard him on the phone with Larry. She went in front of him and leaned her head on his shoulder, just wanting to be close to him. She smiled as she felt him place a kiss in her wet hair. "You have the restraining order filed?"

"Yeah." Larry responded from his home office. "He's going to be transferred here to prison. Because of past issues with him there won't be a trial or anything. Several officers heard him threaten Meryl and the girls; and I guess you as well."

Don didn't know that. "He threatened me?"

"Don?" Meryl asked as her head snapped up. Don quickly gave her a reassuring smile and kissed her forehead.

Larry was making notes in his file. "Yeah, that he was going to hurt anyone standing in his way of M and the girls; which means you, Don."

"Well, he has to go through me first before he can get to ANY of them." Don said strongly as Meryl  leaned her head back on his chest.

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