Chapter 17

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Don quickly got them on the road. Meryl noticed he kept looking in the rearview mirror and would change lanes every so often for no reason. She also noticed that he would move his head in a circular direction; a sure sign he had tension in his neck. Meryl started rubbing his neck. "Sweetheart, I can drive. I don't mind at all. I haven't driven at all yesterday or today. I'd be happy to give you a break."

"I'm okay, Darl." Don said giving her a weak smile. "I don't want him to try to run you off the road or something."

Meryl sighed as she looked behind them. "You've said so yourself that you haven't seen that car following us; neither have I."

"I don't want to take a chance." Don sighed as he lifted her hand and kissed it.

Meryl gave him a quick peck to his cheek so as not to distract him. She then pulled out a magazine. "Quiz time."

"Oh no." Don groaned. "Whenever we take one of those quizzes I end up in the doghouse."

Meryl shook her head. "You won't this time."

"Famous last words." He joked. "Okay, what's the quiz?"

Meryl opened up her magazine. "How well do you know your partner?"

"Oh." Don smiled. "I think I'll ace this one."

Meryl smiled at him. "We'll see. I already marked my answers. We'll see how well you know me."

 Don laughed. "First question?"

Meryl looked down at the magazine. "Which friend of yours do I trust the most? Not family."

"Oh, that's easy." Don smiled. "Larry."

Meryl nodded; that one was pretty easy. "Okay; what do I like about you the most?"

"You love EVERYTHING about me." Don teased. "Let's see...the most? Are we talking about physical attributes?"

Meryl threw her head back and laughed. "No, baby."

"The most...." Don was thinking then smiled. "How much I love you and the kids?"

Meryl smiled at him. "I wrote your strength and consistency and love for me and the kids so I'll take it."

"This is fun." He laughed. "Next?"

Meryl looked back down at the magazine. "What drew me to you?"

"Well, I gave you a place to live first of all." Don teased. "How I gave you space to feel what you were feeling?"

Meryl ran her fingers through his hair. "Yes, all the above. Greatest gifts I've been given because they gave me you and our family."

"Let's do mushy later." Don said as he kissed her hand. "Lay it on me. What's next?"

Meryl laughed at the next question. "What do I do that makes you mad?"

"Organize my studio in the apartment." Don laughed.

Meryl knew that all too well. "Yup. What do I do to calm you down?"

"Rub my neck and kiss me." Don said.

Meryl laughed as he puckered up and she quickly gave him a kiss. "What habit of yours do I want to change?"

"Eating popcorn in bed." Don laughed.

Meryl shook her head. "You get kernels everywhere!!!"

"I do know you pretty well." Don winked. "What's the next question?"

Meryl got a soft smile on her face. "When do I want to hear from you?"

"Well, if we're apart then you definitely want to talk to me before you go to bed." Don smiled. "And I want that too."

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