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"Don!" Larry exclaimed. "No, I'm not going to do that. This has all gotten out of hand. Tell me how we got HERE! Come on, Don. Talk to me."

Don needed to talk to someone who knew them. "When we got back from DC we were cooking breakfast for the kids when her cell phone rang. I started to get it and she freaked saying she wanted privacy. I followed her and heard her say it was hard to keep from me and she couldn't wait for the weekend."

"The morning after you got back?" Larry asked as Don nodded. "Don, that was me. We were talking about your surprise party."

Don nodded. "I know that now. I then heard the girls say how hot Meryl is. She is. I know that. I have been damn lucky. They talked about how I've let myself go and I'm losing my hair and how all these men want her. How I'm not with M enough. So, I started working out like crazy. It just all got in my head. I wouldn't talk to her. When we did we fought. I didn't see it, Larry. I didn't see her stress and worry. I didn't see her not eating. I didn't see her getting sick. My wife was breaking and I was so damn concerned with myself that I didn't see it."

"What happened on Saturday?" Larry asked.

Don nodded. "I went in to use her computer and she freaked. That was the breaking point."

"She was trying to surprise you, Don." Larry pointed out.

Don was twirling his wedding band. "I didn't know that at the time. I should have known. I accused her of having an affair. Of only being with me for my image. She said I was having an affair because of how much I was working out. That I've never done that before. I took offense to that. I insinuated she didn't really love me and that our life together was a sham, again."

"Don!" Larry shook his head.

Don continued on. "I told her to fuck off and left then she had her attack. I went to the hospital but the kids wouldn't let me near her. No one would let me near her. I tried, Larry. I'm guessing she told them not to let me in, and I understand that. I wanted to be with her so badly. But that's not my place anymore."

"Don, you can't believe she wants this." Larry said. "She doesn't."

Don shook his head. "I have to protect her and this is how I'm protecting her. I almost killed her, Larry. I can't do that to her anymore. She's always been out of my league. I've never been good enough for her. Our kids won't talk to me. i'm doing this for them."

"What about you?" Larry asked.

Don wiped his tears. "I had the best, more than I deserved for 33 years. I was married to the love of my life. I will ALWAYS love her. I might let her go, for her; but she will ALWAYS have my heart. She and the kids will always be a part of me."

"Fight, Don." Larry encouraged. "Fight for her."

Don pushed the letter closer to Larry. "Tell her I will always love her. Are you going to draw up the papers or do I need to go somewhere else?"


It was Christmas Eve and Meryl went to answer the door. "Larry!"

"Hey, beautiful." Larry said kissing her cheek. "How you doing?"

Meryl shook her head as tears appeared. "I have no idea how we got here. How he wouldn't even come to the hospital when he told the nurse that called him he would. How he could just throw us away."

"M, I think there's been some misunderstandings." Larry said as they sat down. "Did you tell the kids that you didn't want to see him?"

Meryl shook her head as she wiped her tears. "No! I mean I was hurt and mad but I knew we could work it out but he never came."

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