Chapter 27

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"You need to stop teasing me." Don teased Meryl as they were on their way to their next destination in her afternoon of surprises for him.

Meryl was smirking; even though she knew he couldn't tell. "And how am I teasing you, my love?"

"You keep blindfolding me." Don said reaching out for her. "You know how that makes me hard for you."

Meryl moaned at the thought of what that did to him; what it did to her. "Save it for later."

"Oh, it's saved." Don teased. "Hopefully it won't be too much later."

Meryl shook her head, with a smile on her face, as she was not only loving how predictable her husband was; but also at how he wanted her all the time. "You know what I love?"

"Oh, I do; but you keep saying later." Don flirted with her.

Meryl shook her head as she continued driving to their next destination. "That we have been married for over 33 years, we're in our sixties; but we still can't seem to get enough of each other."

"I love that too." Don said running his hand on the inside of her thighs. "A LOT."


"Okay, here we are." Meryl said walking Don up to the door and taking off the blindfold.

Don let his eyes adjust and a smirk came on his face. "Stutz Art Gallery?"

"Just for you; the brilliant artist and sculptor from Indianapolis." Meryl winked as they walked in and she smiled at the owner. 

After Don and Meryl talked to the owner, he left them alone so they could walk through at their leisure, alone. "You rented out the gallery for us?"

"If you didn't know, I'm Meryl Streep and since I'm married to the fabulous sculptor and artist from Indianapolis it wasn't a problem." Meryl said making him laugh and pull her to him. "I also thought that with the nature of the current exhibition that maybe we should be alone as we walk through. Mr. Stutz is going to stay in his office."

Don furrowed his brows. "Nature of the exhibit."

"Human nature to be exact." Meryl winked as she turned Don around so he could see a poster highlighting the nature of the exhibit.

Don threw his head back when he saw it was a nude exhibition. "Unclothed: Exposing the Art Nude? Really, Mrs. Gummer?"

"Really, Mr. Gummer." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "I thought we might have some fun with this."

Don rubbed his already present arousal against her to make sure no one was around. "Oh, we will."


"What do you think of this one?" Meryl asked as they walked to a piece of nude art. She was greatly enjoying their teasing banter back and forth.

Don shook his head as he scrutinized the female body. "Nothing compared to you, my gorgeous and sexy as hell wife."

"Don." Meryl giggled. "This isn't about me; this is about art. Your great love."

Don went up behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind as he kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "First of all, you're my great love. Second of all, you're much more artful than this painting."

"You're my great love." Meryl smiled; happy that her plan was working. "I am not; this woman is exquisite."

Don shook his head. "She's not real. Where are the curves? Where are the wrinkles? The artist showed too many ribs. No, my love, you're art."

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