Chapter 55

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"Dad, you didn't have to do this." Don said as Brad took him at Meryl out to a fancy dinner the next night. 

Meryl took Don's hand in hers. She was feeling much better and happy to get out of the apartment, and off the couch, at least for a little bit. "We appreciate it so much, and I am so thankful to you for talking Don into letting me out of the apartment."

"Not for long." Don interjected as he winked at her.

Meryl shook her head at her husband. "BUT, it really wasn't necessary. You are our guest and you have been such a tremendous help."

"I have missed LOTS of celebrations: birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, not to mention your wedding." Brad smiled. "It's my honor."

Don poured Merl, Brad and himself some water from the crystal pitcher on the table. "We greatly appreciate it, Dad, thank you."

"Get whatever you want." Brad smiled.

Meryl looked at Don. "Sweetheart, why don't you get some wine? You haven't had any alcohol since we found out I was pregnant. Or coffee. Or soft cheese or fish."

"You know my rule when you're pregnant; if you don't get to drink or eat it then I'm not either." Don smiled at her.

Meryl shook her head at her husband then turned towards her father-in-law. "Well, what's the occasion? We love Locanda Verde, by the way."

"I've heard you two talk about it several times." Brad said as they laughed. "I thought a little celebration was in order. You two have been through a great deal. I thought we could celebrate the babies."

Meryl choked up at Brad's words and turned to Don. "Babies."

"Yeah, babies." Don said as he lifted her hand and kissed it. "Our babies."

Meryl took a deep breath as she raised her water glass. "To our Gummer babies."


"How is it, babe?" Don asked Meryl referring to the My Grandmother's Ravioli she ordered. He was a little surprised she ordered it due to her morning sickness.

Meryl made a satisfied face at him. "So good. I think we'll need to come here again soon."

"Whatever you want." Don laughed. "Well Dad, what do you think of our recommendation?"

Brad smiled. "The Fonduta Carramelle is fantastic."

"One of our favorites." Meryl smiled. "How's the Malfatti tonight, Don Man?"

Don smiled at her. "Never disappoints."

"So." Brad began as they continued eating. "Are you two going to find out the sex of the baby?"

Don looked at Meryl. "We haven't really talked about it."

"Yeah." Meryl agreed. "We just want it to be healthy."

Brad nodded as he reached out to place an assuring hand on Meryl's. "It will be."

"Damn straight." Don gave his wife a reassuring smile. "We usually don't. I can't see us having a gender reveal."

Meryl laughed at her husband. "Yeah, me either. There are so few surprises in life anymore. We have always thought of being surprised when our babies are born as the greatest surprise of all."

"In addition to finding out you were pregnant this time around." Don said making her laugh.

Meryl winked at her husband. "That was the ultimate surprise."

"Here we thought Louisa was the ultimate surprise." Don teased his wife.

Brad looked at both of them. "Why was Louisa such a surprise? If you don't mind me asking."

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