Chapter 72

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The next few days were stressful ones for Don and Meryl. They were both worried about getting the results of the amnio; though Don tried to keep his stress and worry to himself for his wife's sake. He knew that if Meryl were aware how worried he was then that would make her worry even more. He couldn't afford to break; he knew if he broke then his wife would break, and if his wife broke then he knew not only was their baby's life at risk but so was his wife's and he couldn't let that happen. He just continued being her rock and did anything and everything he could to keep her calm.


Don had been on a business call and sighed when his wife was no longer on the sofa where he had left her to take the call in the office. It had been hard to keep her down while waiting for news which they were supposed to get that evening. He was constantly finding her cleaning and organizing; which is what she did when she felt out of control. The doctor wanted her on bed rest through her pregnancy as much as possible; and Don wanted to help her adjust to that as much as possible. He decided to set up a little surprise for her, knowing she would never leave she apartment again without telling him she was going out, and went in search of her. He finally found her in their closet organizing. "Don't you dare think about throwing away my Hawaiian shirt."

"It's hideous." Meryl laughed. "You've had it since the 80's."

Don went to sit on the floor next to her and started kissing her neck. "I've had you since the 70's. Should I throw you out?"

"You better not, Mr. Gummer." Meryl giggled with a kiss to his lips.

Don thrusted his tongue into her mouth showing her how much passion he still held for her all these decades later. "Never, Mrs. Gummer. What are you doing in here?"

"Throwing out clothes that have needed to be thrown out for awhile." She laughed. "And not to goodwill. No one should have to wear that shirt."

Don playfully stuck his tongue out at her. "You know, no matter how many things you clean and organize will change the results of the tests. Whatever happens, Darl, we're in it together; us and our amazing, miraculous, love child."

"I'm glad we have this love child." Meryl choked. "I just want it to be okay."

Don kissed her forehead. "Okay is relative. This baby will have the best life; we will make sure of it. Now, come with me before you throw away my pink striped blazer; one of the best fashion statements from the 80's if I do say so myself."

"Where are we going?" Meryl asked as Don pulled her up. "I have more organizing to do."

Don shook his head at her. "You have much more relaxing to do; come on, Darl."


"Don!" Meryl gasped as he led her into the media room that had candles lit everywhere and a bottle of Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice chilling on ice as well as chocolate covered strawberries on the coffee table. "When? How?"

Don winked at her as he led her to the sofa. "I knew how stressful today would be as we get the results later so I thought maybe we could use a distraction."

"Have I told you today how damn much I love you?" Meryl asked cupping his cheek after he sat down next to her.

Don winked at her as he held her wrist and kissed the palm of her hand. "You have; and I love you, baby. However, your wrist doesn't look loved."

"What?" Meryl asked feeling his forehead. "Are you sick? Since when is a wrist loved?"

Don pulled her charm bracelet out of his pocket and put it on her wrist. "Since now."

"My charm bracelet?" Meryl laughed.

Don nodded as he kissed her wrist. "I think you might find something new on it."

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