Chapter 50

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Don was holding Meryl as they both laid in the hospital bed in her Emergency Department room.  They were waiting for her to be moved to a regular room. Meryl was stroking his arm. "Don, you should probably take Birdie home. She shouldn't stay up here. One, it's not fair to her; and it's not safe for the other patients. Someone could have an allergy or something."

"I don't want to leave you." Don sighed. "What if I have one of the kids come get her?"

Meryl looked at him. "And say what to them?"

"That you fell while walking her?" Don shrugged.

Meryl had to laugh. "What are we going to tell them when they come back to visit me and find out I'm on the obstetrics floor?"

"Good point." Don said as he became quiet.

Meryl knew he didn't want to leave her. "Baby, I'm fine and the baby is fine. It's weird, though, we could have said babies."

"Darl." Don sighed as he wiped her tears. She had been weepy since finding out about the phantom baby; and he was feeling the same but trying to be strong for her. "We did just lose a baby; I know we still have a little peanut growing inside of you and I'm so grateful for that but we did lose a baby. I don't want to leave you right now. What kind of husband does such a thing?"

Meryl was trying to pull herself together for his sake. "Baby, I'll be okay."

"I don't want to leave you for myself either." Don choked. "I want to be with you."

That was all it took for Meryl to start sobbing against his chest as he held her closer. "We didn't even know about that baby; but my heart is breaking."

"Mine is too, love." Don said kissing the top of her head. "While we didn't know about it; it is still a baby we could have held, we could have raised and a baby we will always love."

Meryl nodded against his chest. "It made me think of William and Matthew. They would be 30 and 26 now. What would they look like? We never saw Matthew but we saw William. We held him. What line of work would they have gone into? Now, I'll add this baby to the list."

"Me too, baby." Don sighed. "Hal said there was a medical reason why this happened; that there was something wrong with the baby. I just have to believe that this was best for the baby. I know it doesn't make sense; but I have to believe that."

Meryl nodded. "I know what you mean. I need to believe that too; for the baby's sake, for our sakes."

"I love you, Meryl Gummer, so damn much." Don said taking her head into his hands and leaning his forehead against hers. "You are the ONLY woman I have EVER wanted to carry my babies, to be their mother. Here, you've done it 7 times. You are the best mother in the world; and my favorite wife of ALL time, in the whole fucking universe."

Meryl couldn't help but smile at his words. "You are the only man I have ever wanted to be the father of my children. I know I've said it before, but I waited until I knew I found the perfect partner for me and an amazing father for my children. It took me 28 years but I finally found him; and I am NEVER going to let you go. I love you Donald Gummer, more than anything. You are the best damn father and husband there ever was. Thank you for getting here so fast and being with me."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world." Don said as he kissed her forehead.

Meryl took deep breaths. "Baby, they are probably going to move me soon. Why don't you take Birdie home? You can come back for a little bit then go back home for the night."

"There is NO way I am staying apart from you tonight." Don shook his head. "Don't even think about it. I'm staying up here tonight."

Meryl nodded as the tears that had somewhat disappeared then appeared again. "I don't want to be without you but I want the best for you and Birdie. She did save us."

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