Chapter 4

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It was the middle of the night and Meryl awoke with a smile on her face when she thought about the amazing night she shared with her husband, so relieved and thankful that he opened up to her and was leaning on her. Her smile soon faded as she went to snuggle up to him. Instead of finding her loving husband where she wanted him, next to her, she found a pile of cold sheets. Meryl sighed; hoping thoughts of his father weren't haunting him from getting the rest he needed. She got up, threw on some clothes, and went in search of her husband.


Don sighed as he crumpled up some paper and threw it on the ground. He had an amazing night with his wife, and fell in love with her all over again and just wanted to be in bed next to her. However, his speech that next morning was weighing heavily on his mind. Normally, he would have been working on it the last few days but with everything from his drugging to his whole paternity mess it just wasn't in the cards. Don couldn't clear his mind and focus. Just as he let out a big sigh he felt a familiar set of hands on his shoulders and lips on his neck. "This is much better than writing."

"You left me." Meryl teased.

Don pulled her to sit on his lap. "Trust me hot stuff, I would much rather be in bed with you."

"Then why aren't you?" Meryl flirted while she straddled him and pushed her groin into his. "I'll make it worth your while."

Don groaned. "This damn speech isn't going to write itself."

"I know." Meryl sighed as she got up and knelt between his legs, rubbing his knees. "Writers block?"

Don sighed. "It's just I was commissioned for this from Mom's doctor and wanted a way to repay him for helping her so much. To be honest, I don't have a soft spot in my heart for her right now. I love her, she's my mother."

"But you're hurt and angry. You have every right to be; but babe, this sculpture isn't about your mom. It's about a way to honor all the wonderful work the eye institute has done. After this past year we both have had with our health, we know how important modern medicine and technology is in the process of healing. The sculpture is about the intricacies of the human eye. How these procedures have made it possible for people to see colors more vividly-you work in color, that's your inspiration." Meryl said as he smiled. "What?"

Don shook his head. "You are my inspiration."

"I have an idea." Meryl smiled as she heard stomach growl and could tell that he had an idea.  "You work on this, and I will go get you your favorite sandwich as a snack to help fuel that marvelous brain of yours."

Don got a concerned look on his face, and reached out to take her hand as she stood up. "I don't like the idea of you going out alone this late at night with Teresa and everything. Besides, local media know about this dedication so there could be paps."

"Babe, hopefully she's gone. Besides, I'm a big girl, and I can kick her ass if I run into her. Plus, I deal with the paparazzi all the time in New York." Meryl winked.

Don shook his head and gave her what the kids called "the look." "That does NOT make me feel better."

"I'll be fine babe." Meryl said with a kiss to his head and went off to change. "I'll be right back and will have my phone with me, I promise. Don't worry."

Don tried to put out thoughts of worry concerning his wife from his mind and tried to focus on his sculpture and muttered to himself. "Like that will happen."


After Meryl changed and promised Don, again, that she would be back soon, Meryl went to his favorite 24 hour deli in downtown Indianapolis to get his favorite sandwich as well as a little snack for her. She was juggling her purse, phone, food, keys, and hotel room key when she saw a familiar woman standing at her hotel room door fixing her hair. Meryl couldn't believe it as she raced up to the door and the woman began to run away until Meryl caught up to her and blocked her from moving.

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