Chapter 76

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"The ambulance is on the way, Mom." Henry said kneeling next to his mother on the floor next to his unresponsive father as he ended the call on his cell phone.

Susie was standing behind Meryl with her hands on her should. "Aunty Meryl, come sit in the chair; I'll get you some water."

"I am NOT leaving him." Meryl cried as she continued kissing all over his face. "Come on, my Don Man, wake up. I knew something was wrong; I knew you weren't fine as you said. Come on, baby, please wake up and get irritated with me for worrying so much."

Henry looked at his mother. "He wasn't feeling well?"

"He tried to hide it." Meryl sighed. "I should have trusted my instincts."

Don could hear his wife crying and begging him to wake up. He was trying to open his eyes so she would stop crying. He decided to try a joke when he woke up to find her leaned over him and kissing his face. "I love when I wake up to you on top of me!"

"Don!" Meryl exclaimed as she cried tears of relief. "Oh, thank God."

Susie breathed a sigh of relief as did Henry as he laughed. "Yup, same old Dad. Some things never change."

"Never will." Don said somewhat out of it as he raised his hand to wipe Meryl's tears. "I'm okay, Darl."

Meryl shook her head. "We're going to make sure. The ambulance is on it's way."

"No ambulance." Don said strongly. "I'm fine."

Meryl gave him a warning look. "You fucking collapsed in our granddaughter's nursery after insisting you were fine. You're getting checked out."

"I don't want you to get all worked up." Don looked at Henry as he raised his arm. "Son, help me up."

Meryl stopped her son and husband. "He fell and hit his head. He isn't being moved without the EMT's."

"Mer, I'm really okay." Don insisted.

Meryl shook her head as she started to sob. "It's all my fault; I'm so sorry, Don Man."

"Kids?" Don looked up at his son and daughter-in-law.

Susie grabbed Henry's hand. "We'll let the EMT's in."

"You sure you're okay, Dad?" Henry asked as Don nodded. "We'll be right downstairs, Mom."

Meryl gave her son and daughter-in-law a small smile as they walked out of the room and she grabbed a pillow from the over stuffed chair for his head. "Here, baby, just don't move. I'm going to stay right here."

"Darl, I'm really okay; just a dizzy spell." Don said taking her hand in his.

Meryl broke down crying, again. "I've caused you too much stress. I knew deep down this was going to happen and should have insisted you go to the doctor. I'm so sorry."

"Baby, what in the hell are you talking about?" Don asked. "It was just a dizzy spell; that's it. I'm fine, love."

Meryl shook her head as she monitored his pulse. "You've been putting so much pressure on yourself because of me and the baby. I've let you do too much. I knew I should have insisted you get checked out. I've leaned on you too much. I've put everything on you; and now look what happened. I would never put you in jeopardy, Don, not ever. I should have known better. You mean the world to me and when you went..."

"Hey, hey, hey." Don said reaching up to wipe her tears. "THIS is NOT your fault. I haven't been drinking water like I should and didn't eat dinner or breakfast. That is MY fault; NOT yours. You were on me to eat; and I didn't."

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