Chapter 30

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Don and Meryl were running through the airport. Incredibly late. They heard them announcing their flight was boarding as they were coming out of security. Meryl gave her husband a look as they were putting their shoes back on. "This is all your fault, you know?"

"What?" Don asked surprised. "How is traffic on the Van Wyck Expressway my fault?"

Meryl huffed as they continued to hustle to their gate. "If you hadn't made us leave late."

"Come on, baby." Don said trying to pull her to him. "That shower was DEFINITELY worth it. You needed calmed down; and I think you need another good shower now."

Meryl glared at her husband as they ran to the gate and he handed the agent their tickets. Meryl looked at him once they were on the jetty. "If you weren't so damn horny we wouldn't have almost missed our flight."

"Mer, we didn't." Don sighed as they made their way to their first class seats. "We have reserved seats. We aren't even the last ones to board."

Meryl shook her head as she sat down and buckled her seat belt. "Well, we almost were. What if we missed the flight all because you couldn't leave me alone and let me shower in peace?"

"I would have chartered a plane if I had to and flown you there myself." Don said as he placed his hand on her knee only for her to push it off. "You're really THAT pissed off at me? You willingly participated, my love. I didn't hear you complaining; in fact I heard you tell me not to ever stop."

Meryl shot him a look that could kill as she pulled out her book and put in her earphones. "Right now I want you to fucking stop talking to me."

"Well." Don sighed as he pulled out his own book. "This trip is off to a fantastic start."


Thanks to tail winds, their plane actually arrived early. As they stood up he turned to her. "We even landed early. So we weren't late at all. Everything will be fine, Darl."

"Don't even think about it, Gummer." Meryl said pushing him away as he tried to pull her close for a kiss. "I told you, I'm not speaking to you."

Don shook his head. "You're being ridiculous. Yes, it was stressful for awhile and I know it's a big weekend. There is no way in hell I would let ANYTHING ruin this time for you; not even my own horny self which you always say you love and never want to change."

"I don't love it today." Meryl barked as they deplaned. "And you did almost ruin it for me; because you only think about yourself and your needs."

Don took calming breaths. "Yeah, we better not talk right now."


Things were tense all the way to the hotel. Meryl wouldn't look at Don. Meryl wouldn't speak to him. Once he checked them into their suite, which he had ready with flowers and champagne, she didn't even speak to him. She just went straight into the bathroom. Don was furious. He had spent a fortune for them for the weekend and she didn't say anything. She had picked a fight with him and it just got worse. Don couldn't stop thinking about what she said to him-that he always put himself first; that pissed him off to no end. He ALWAYS put HER and their children first. Often turning down shows or commissions so he could be fully present with them. He had an opportunity to attend a gallery opening, one that wanted to feature him, that weekend but he wanted to be with his wife; he never thought of being anywhere else except in that instance right then. He started wondering why he was even there. It was obvious by the fight she picked with him that she didn't want him there. Her brothers and their kids would be there; she obviously didn't need him. She thought he put himself first; well, he was doing to do just that.

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