Chapter 70

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"Have a seat, Darl." Don said placing the magazines face down on the counter of their suite. "Do you want some water or something?"

Meryl held out her hand. "I want to see them. It can't be THAT bad."

"I just want to keep you calm." Don said as he grabbed one of the magazines and kissed her on the lips. "We'll take care of it; I'll take care of it."

Meryl sighed. "Don, the magazine." Tears sprang to Meryl's eyes when she saw the headline. She opened it up to the supposed article and read all about how she got wasted on champagne while celebrating her win; leaving Don alone in a corner where he was supposedly hitting on Sandra Bullock. She continued to read about how she was the worst mother for not talking to her own children at the party and getting drunk while pregnant. The article went on to say how the baby should be taken from her once it was born because of her damaging it in the womb. Meryl started crying hysterically. "Have you read this?"

"I have and it's all shit." Don sighed as he took her in his arms. "You are the world's best mother. You are also the ONLY woman I hit on last night; the ONLY woman I will ever hit on."

Meryl cried harder. "I would never hurt our babies. What if the baby gets taken away."

"Sweetheart." Don said holding her head in his hands. "That is NOT going to happen. We won't let it. Besides, I'm suing this rag for whatever trashy money it's worth. Call Les."

Meryl took Don's phone when he handed it to her and dialed her publicist's number; sighing when she got the voicemail. She took a deep breath so she could talk. "Hey Les, it's Meryl. I'm calling from Don's phone. You're probably on a plane and haven't seen the rags. Call me. It's bad and we're ready to deal with these fuckers once and for all."

"It will be okay." Don said holding her close once again and kissing her head.

Meryl continued to cry as he scooped her in his arms. "Where are we going?"

"To lay down." Don said as he carried her into the bedroom, laying her down on the bed and holding her close.

Meryl grabbed onto Don, her actions betraying what she was about to say. "We need to catch a plane."

"It's a private plane and pilot; we leave when I say we are leaving. Besides, the kids are probably still sleeping." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips.

Meryl continued to cry. "I never wanted any of this, Don. I just wanted to act a few months out of the year, and enjoy you and our family. I always knew I would be a wife and mother; that's all I've wanted. I am so lucky to have the success I've had, we've had, but I didn't want this other shit."

"I know, baby." Don whispered as he stroked her hair and kissing her head over and over. He continued to hold her as she cried herself to sleep. "Sleep well, Darl. By this time tomorrow those rags won't know what hit them."


Don laid there with his eyes wide open as he continued to stroke his wife's hair even long after she fell asleep. He couldn't stop thinking about the damn article and the implications of it. He knew that anyone that mattered knew his wife and what she was really like. He wasn't worried about this ruining her career. What he was worried about was the trash about her not being fit for their baby, for him and for their other children. What upset him most was that they were trying to turn her into something she wasn't. He was also pissed off because they accused him of cheating on his wife with a younger woman; which was something he would NEVER do. They had gotten used to those stories about her, even though it was always difficult; but to him it was even worse that it was printed about him especially when his wife had been so insecure and vulnerable at times with this baby. Don was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his phone ringing in the other room. Don carefully moved from his wife's grip with a kiss to her head and went to answer the phone; hoping it was her publicist. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was. "Les, it's Don."

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