Chapter 66

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After spending time with their kids, many hugs and forgiveness; the kids left to meet the pilot at the airfield. Since everyone made up, Mamie went ahead and went back with her siblings; knowing how worried her parents were about her she promised she would stay at their apartment and Grace promised to stay with her which gave some relief to both Don and Meryl. Don and Meryl decided to stay an extra day or so in order to go tell Jane about the baby. They were nervous; not only at her reaction but also the fact that Brad had known for 2 months but he hadn't said anything to Jane. Now that they had time to think about it they hoped that it didn't cause problems between him and Jane. Don chartered a private plane to take them back to New York whenever they decided to leave. He actually thought it would be better; hoping Meryl would rest more when it was just them and hopefully didn't feel the need to be in mother mode with the other kids. They were both beyond relieved that everyone seemed worked out with the kids; and most of all that they truly seemed happy about their new baby brother or sister.


Meryl and Don were getting ready to go to meet his parents. He didn't like keeping things from her; but he knew if he told her that he was in quite a bit of pain from Henry pinning him against the wall that it would immediately bring her down and cause her to worry which was what he didn't want. While she finished getting ready he got into her purse looking for the Advil he knew she had in there especially since what after had happened with Ben; and dealing with her own pain. He was caught off guard when he felt her arms wrap around him from behind. "What you looking for, handsome?" Meryl heard his intake of breath. "Baby?"

"Hey." Don said as he turned around and got out of her hold.

Meryl cupped his cheek when she saw tears in his eyes. "Don Man? Baby, are you okay?"

"Just looking for these." Don said holding up the bottle of Advil. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to respond like that, I'm just a little sore."

Meryl narrowed her eyes at him. "Sore?"

"My neck and back." Don didn't want to upset her all over again by mentioning Henry's name so he waited for it to register.

Meryl was thinking for a minute and then sighed. "Oh, Don; I'm so sorry."

"You have no reason to apologize, Darl." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "A few Advil and I'll be fine."

Meryl walked over to retrieve a bottle of water for him and some crackers. "Here; I don't want you to take it on an empty stomach; and brunch was awhile ago."

"Darl, I'm really okay." He tried to assure her as he ate the crackers she wanted him to eat. He then felt her go behind him and lift up his shirt and kiss his back ever so softly. "You want to go to the bedroom, Mrs. Gummer? I like it."

Meryl shook her head at him as she inspected his back. "Maybe later, Gummer. Baby, there aren't any bruises but maybe we should go get you checked out. I mean, he really could have hurt you."

"Sweetheart." Don said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm really fine. Just some dull pain."

Meryl nodded with tears in her eyes. "I hated seeing him do that to you; you're his father."

I know, baby; me too." Don said kissing her lips. "He thought he was protecting you; which I get, believe me."

Meryl laid her head on his chest. "I never need protected from you."

"And you never will." Don said with a kiss to her head and then pulled away. "Okay, enough of this. Things are all better; and I will be fine. Ready to go tell more people about baby Gummer?"

Meryl took a deep breath; worried about Jane's reaction. "Let's go, handsome."


Don could tell Meryl was getting quieter and quieter the closer they got to the lake house. She just kept playing with his fingers or running her fingers through his hair; which told him she was deep in thought, and worried. As they walked up to the front door Don turned to her. "You alright, Darl? I know it's been a hell of a day."

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