Chapter 18

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Don left his car in the hands of the valet at Indiana University Methodist Hospital; it was the closest hospital to where they were. He barely took the time to take the ticket from the valet before running over to the passenger's side and scooping Meryl into his arms. He noticed how sweaty she was, how red her face was and how much she was struggling to breathe. "I'm getting you help, baby."

"I'm so sorry, Don." Meryl cried against his neck.

Don shook his head as he ran in. "You should NOT be apologizing. HELP! Someone help me!"

"What's the problem?" A nurse asked running over with a gurney.

Don laid Meryl down and was stroking her hair. "My wife has cardiomyopathy and a mild case of Afib. We thought the Afib and cardiomyopathy were both under control. She was just put in an incredibly stressful position and is having trouble breathing. She is really sweaty. Please help her."

"We will." The nurse said looking at Meryl. "Ms. Streep..."

Don about lost it right then. "It's Gummer, Mrs. Gummer, Meryl Gummer. I want my wife's privacy protected."

"Of course." The nurse quickly said. It wasn't often they had celebrities at their hospital. "Mrs. Gummer, we're going to get you in a room and start oxygen and do some tests. Mr. Gummer, you can wait out here."

Meryl started crying harder. "Please don't leave me, Don."

"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "I am not leaving my wife's side and that's final."


Don was sitting on Meryl's bed holding a washcloth to her face; trying to calm her down. "Baby, your heart rate is all over the place. I need you to calm down for me, sweetheart. Take some nice deep breaths."

"I'm so sorry, Don. I have tried so hard with her." Meryl cried. "I would NEVER cheat on you. I hope you know that. I know you once thought, not that long ago, that I was only with you for my image. I'm not. I love you so much."

Her words about him and his mother thinking she was only with him for her image were like a knife in his heart. He had said that a few months ago in the heat of the moment; he sure didn't mean it or even think it. He regretted those words as soon as they came out of his mouth though he was pretty sure his mother didn't regret them. He had no idea how his mother could actually believe that. Don placed the cold cloth on her neck and pressed his forehead to hers. "Shhhhh...I mean it when I say you have NO reason to apologize, Darl. I know you never have and never will cheat on me, I know that, baby. I also know how much you love me and our family. You show and prove that every damn day. I NEVER should have said that a few months ago, I don't even THINK it, sweetheart. What we have is amazing. Please don't listen to her, I sure as hell didn't. I love you too, baby, so damn much."

"When am I going to stop making you come here?" Meryl cried. "You only get hurt."

Don was placing soft kisses all over her face. "No, YOU are the one that gets hurt and I am fucking tired of it."

"Don." Jane said opening the door. "Meryl."

Don couldn't believe it as he took his eyes off his wife and looked at the door seeing his mother standing there. "Hell no! Get out...NOW. I have told you to stay away from her."

"Don, calm down baby." Meryl said reaching out to stroke his arm. "I don't want to come between you and your family anymore."

Don tenderly kissed Meryl's lips. "I want you both to hear this. Meryl has NEVER come between me and this family. She NEVER would. If anything, she tries to bring us closer together. You will no longer play fucking mind games with my wife. It stops NOW."

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