Chapter 67

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The next day Don chartered a plane and pilot to take them back to New York. He wanted Meryl to rest as much as possible leading up to the Oscars. Meryl was relieved that Don's back and neck stopped bothering him. Don was glad when her bruises were going away especially since it was stressing her out less because of the dress she was wearing for the Oscars. Meryl spent much of the week resting as much as possible. Things were still a little awkward with the kids which Don and Meryl hated; but they knew it would take awhile for them to get over the hurt of the things Don was accused of. Don tried to tell her that it shouldn't affect her relationship with them; and she reminded him that they were a unit so of course it did. Mamie was staying with them and they were working on making sure she was safe. Ben wasn't allowed to visit the apartment and was on a list with the doormen saying so. Don and Meryl managed to even have dinner with her brothers and sisters one night as they all gushed over the fact that Meryl was pregnant; also sharing their shock and concern. Larry had convinced them to use his plane and pilot again for the Oscars since the whole family would be going out for it; knowing that Don would enjoy it more knowing Meryl could rest more in the private plane. Don and Meryl were extremely careful and argued with Larry and Liz about paying for it. Don was shocked that Meryl kept her promise of resting as much as possible once they got to LA; it showed him how nervous she was and was determined to do anything and everything to keep the baby safe and healthy like she did for him and their other children.


"Baby." Don sighed as he brought in some hot tea he ordered for her into the bedroom. "Please, drink something."

Meryl groaned as she laid in bed. "I can't."

"What about some saltines? Dry toast?" Don asked as his wife had been battling with awful morning sickness since they arrived in LA. "You need to get something in you."

Meryl shook her head as she grabbed his hand. "I won't be able to keep it down."

"Darl, if you are going to get through tonight then you need something." Don said sitting down on the bed facing her and running his fingers through her hair. "You're going to be lucky to have enough energy to even get down the red carpet."

Meryl stroked his fingers with hers. "Nap with me?"

"Darl, if we're gonna go then you have to start getting ready soon." Don couldn't hide his fear and worry.

Meryl lifted her head up and looked at him.  "IF?"

"Baby, I'm really worried." Don sighed. "What if you pass out on the red carpet or on stage?"

Meryl shook her head. "You're the one who is CONVINCED I'm going to win tonight; though I'm not convinced and now you're saying I shouldn't go?"

"I just want you to be okay." Don said honestly.

Meryl thought about it more; not only did she want to go, but she also wanted to assure her husband. "Could you order me some broth and I'll try it?"

"I would be happy to."  Don smiled with a kiss to her head. "You rest. I'll order it and be back."

Meryl winked at him. "I love you, Don Man."

"I love you too, my beautiful and pregnant wife." Don said with a kiss to her head. After he ordered the broth, used the restroom and got the broth from room service he went in to take the broth to her and sighed when he saw she was asleep. He sat the broth down on the nightstand and kissed her head. He looked at the clock and decided to let her sleep for a little bit; and kissed her forehead. "Get some rest my love; you have an Oscar to win."


"Dad?" Mamie said walking into her parents' penthouse suite at the Beverly Hills Hilton; seeing him quietly closing the doors to their bedroom and coming out into the sitting room. "Is everything okay? I got your texts."

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