Chapter 32

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It was a wonderful start to the evening. As soon as they got to The White House the whole family, minus Louisa unfortunately, gathered on the red carpet. Meryl smiled that Don only let go of her waist when he had to. After many pictures they were ushered into the room where the introductions of the recipients were made. From there they moved into the grand ballroom for dinner. Meryl and Don were thrilled that they arranged it to where the whole family was at the same table. She knew she would need to mingle, and she would, she just wanted her family together as much as possible. She was also thrilled that her brothers, Mary and Maeve were spending the weekend with them. After dinner they moved to the grand ballroom where drinks were flowing and a hardwood floor was set up for dancing with the live band. It was going to be a great evening. That was until Don saw someone in particular walk in with a drink in his hand. Meryl immediately felt Don tense beside her. She turned to him and touched his cheek. "Don? Baby, what is it?"

"What in the FUCK is he doing here?" Don asked. "He should not be a part of you being honored after the way he fucking treated you."

Meryl followed Don's line of sight and sighed when she saw Dustin Hoffman. "Word is he'll be honored next year; maybe that's why he is here?"

"I sure as hell hope he doesn't expect you to honor him." Don was livid.

Meryl rubbed the lapels of his jacket trying to keep him calm. "I won't do it. Sweetheart, please don't let him get to you. We've done a pretty good job the last 30 years of not running into him."

"He's drunk." Don said not taking his eyes off Hoffman. "I don't want you ANYWHERE near him. Or the girls."

Meryl sighed. "Don Man, there are secret service EVERYWHERE. We are in The White House; the safest place in the country."

"I'm serious, Meryl." Don said with earnest lives. "I don't trust that prick."

Meryl nodded. "He did testify on our side against James after all the Mann shit."

"I don't care." Don shook his head. "It pisses me off how he talks about you in interviews after all he's done. Who knows what he'll try with the girls. Please, M."

Meryl could tell how worked up he was getting; which is the last thing she wanted. "Okay, baby. If he comes up to us I can't ignore him, you know."

"Say hello; but I'll be right by your side." Don said.

Meryl winked at him. "My hero."

"Meryl!" Michelle Obama came over to hug Meryl.

Meryl smirked at her husband as she hugged the First Lady. "Mrs. Obama."

"Oh, please." Michelle laughed. "It's Michelle."

Meryl nodded. "Thank you so much for hosting this amazing weekend. I just hope our kids aren't taking off with the salt and pepper shakers or something."

"We have plenty." Michelle laughed as she looked at Don. "Don! You are looking as handsome as ever."

Don blushed as Michelle hugged him and he barely touched her arms; remembering his and Meryl's pact. She hadn't flirted with the President so he wanted to keep up his end of the deal. "Mrs. Obama, thank you for such a wonderful weekend for my beautiful wife."

"We are so thrilled you are here and to finally meet your beautiful family." Michelle smiled. "I need to mingle but we'll all catch up soon."

Meryl burst into laughter when Michelle walked away. "Donald Gummer!"

"What!" Don said holding up his hands. "I tried not to touch her."

Meryl shook her head as she kissed his lips. "You did just fine, handsome. Your 'beautiful wife' as you called me appreciated it."

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