Chapter 33

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"Where are they?" A drunken Dustin Hoffman slurred as he drunkenly walked up to the concierge counter in the lobby of the 4 Seasons in DC.

The concierge knew who he was, but also knew he was drunk. "Can we help you, sir? Do you have a reservation?"

"Yeah." Dustin said waving his bourbon bottle under the nose of the concierge. "Right between the legs of Meryl Streep or I guess she insists on going by fucking Gummer. I'll show her and her daughters fucking whether they like it or not."

The young man couldn't believe he was hearing this. He knew Meryl's Streep's family was staying there but he couldn't, and wouldn't, reveal that. He pretended to look at the computer. "I'm sorry, no one here by that name."


"That was so fun." Grace laughed as she walked into the hotel lobby with Mamie and Ben.

Mamie laughed. "I can't believe Mom and Dad left so early."

"I think we all know why." Ben teased.

Both Mamie and Grace pulled disgusted faces at him with his wife smacking his arm. "DISGUSTING, BEN!"

"There they are." Dustin said walking over to Ben, Mamie and Grace.

The concierge quickly picked up the phone. "Security? Lobby...NOW."

"Let's go." Ben said wrapping his arm around his wife and her sister to try to usher them away from the drunken actor.

Dustin grabbed Grace's arm. "You look a lot like your mother did when I first fucked her."

"Let go of her!" Mamie yelled.

Ben removed Dustin's hand. "You never slept with Meryl. We all know the truth. If Don finds out you're here..."

"The construction worker?" Dustin slurred. "He's all talk."

Security ran over and looked at Ben, Grace and Mamie. "You three alright? I know this gentleman is trying to get to your family."

"He wants to get to my mother-in-law." Ben said. "Meryl Gummer. He has stalked and harassed her in the past."

Security nodded. They knew who this was and who Meryl Gummer was. "We will take care of it. You three will be okay?"

"I'll make sure they are." Ben said ushering his wife and sister-in-law away from the drunk. "Let's get to our rooms."

Dustin started walking towards the girls. "I came to get what's mine."

"I don't think so." The guard said handcuffing Dustin. "You're coming with me."


"It's about time." Louisa jumped up greeting her sister as she came in the room. "I've been waiting."

Grace went over to the mini bar. "Want to get drunk?"

"Yeah!" Louisa laughed. "Don't tell Mom."

Grace laughed as they got drinks. "Oh, this is definitely a DTM moment for sure."

"What's up?" Louisa asked sensing her mood. 

Grace told her about what happened with Hoffman at the party. "You should have seen Dad's face."

"I'm sure." Louisa exclaimed. "Dad really ushered him out of the room?"

Grace nodded as she took a drink. "He looked like he could kill Hoffman and then Mom ran after him."

"What happened?" Louisa asked.

Grace shrugged. "He stayed away the rest of the night and Dad wouldn't leave Mom's side, he barely left ours. I know they only left when they did cause Dad watched Hoffman get escorted out."

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