Chapter 49

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Don and Meryl had just gotten home from their time in LA. Don had left Meryl downstairs on the couch while he took the bags upstairs and unpacked for them. He told Meryl he was serious about her resting after such an exciting few days. When he came back down with the laundry he sighed when he saw her in the kitchen. He shook his head as he walked past her to the laundry room to start the washer and came back in as she was going through the pantry with their dog Birdie right by her side. He had noticed that Birdie had become somewhat attached to Meryl since they got home; Birdie wasn't usually like that especially after the kids took care of her whenever they had been gone. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out if I need to go to the store." Meryl said.

Don shook his head as he grabbed her hand and led her back to the den. "No, you need to rest."

"Don." Meryl sighed. "We need to eat."

Don nodded as he grabbed a pad of paper and pen from the coffee table. "Then, you can write down what we need and I will have it delivered. I will make dinner."

"You can't make dinner every night." Meryl shook her head. "Besides, you flew us back here."

Don smirked at her. "And boy are my arms tired."

"Old joke, baby." Meryl teased. "I'm serious."

Don shrugged. "We'll order in tonight. Meryl, I'm serious. You have had a busy few days. You are still having major morning sickness. I want you and the baby to be safe; that is ALL that matters to me. Please, Darl."

"Okay." Meryl acquiesced with a kiss to his lips. "As long as you rest with me."

Don smiled as he grabbed the paper and pen in one hand; and her hand in the others. "Come on; let's go rest."


"Birdie." Don sighed as they got up to the bedroom and into bed. "Go lay in your own bed. Go."

Meryl saw how Birdie was reluctant to leave her side. "She's fine, Don Man."

"Mer." Don began as Birdie lid between them in bed. "She needs to lay in her own bed. We never let her in-between us in bed."

Meryl smirked. "Is someone jealous?"

"I like having you all to myself." Don pouted.

Meryl laughed as Birdie laid with her head on Meryl's tummy. "She's fine, babe. I recently read something that said dogs can sense when something is different about their masters; and that a dog even protected someone from going into early labor by waking them up when it started. I feel better with her up here."

"Even between us?" Don asked with a pout.

Meryl took a picture of Birdie with her head on Meryl's tummy. "You can still get close."

"How's this?" Don asked wrapping his arm around Meryl as much as possible.

Meryl sighed happily. "Perfect. Thank you, Don Man."

"For what?" Don asked with a kiss to her head. "Being jealous of the family dog?"

Meryl laughed as she pet Birdie. "For flying me across the country and back, for being with me, for making sure we are safe."

"Always." Don sighed. "I really don't want you to worry about things around the house. I'll handle it."

Meryl looked up at him. "It shouldn't fall all on you. I'm going to go crazy just laying in bed."

"How about if I make it worth your while?" Don said wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Meryl laughed as she kissed his lips then turned on the television. "You better."

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