Chapter 47

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"FUCK!" Don scooped Meryl up in his arms and was kissing all over her face. "Baby, wake up, come on; wake up, love." Don hurriedly laid her on the bed. She was out cold. He felt her heart and it was beating rapidly. Seeing her lying there like that he realized how much weight she had lost in just a week's time. Don quickly picked up the phone and dialed 911. "I need an ambulance at the River Lofts at 92 Laight Street in Tribecca, the penthouse. I'll let our doorman know you're coming. My wife is pregnant and has passed out. Her heart is beating rapidly. She's unconscious but breathing. Please hurry." Don picked Meryl up in his arms after he ended the call to 911. He grabbed a blanket and threw it over her. "It's gonna be okay, baby, it has to be okay."


Don was sitting by Meryl's bed in the ER, holding her hand, and begging her to wake up. Her heart was beating rapidly, though they said she wasn't in AFib, and her blood pressure was extremely low. They started her on an IV in the ambulance and took blood to run tests. She had a gash on her head that they were going to stitch up. Since she hit her head and couldn't have any scans they did an EEG to make sure brain activity was normal; Don breathed a sigh of relief when they said it was. Now he was waiting. He was waiting for results. He was waiting for her to wake up. He kissed her hands and then her forehead and then her lips. "Come on, baby, wake up. Last New Year's Eve when I was afraid you wouldn't get back from picking my mother up at the airport in time for our midnight kiss you said you hadn't missed one in 32 years. Well, I'm counting on you to keep that promise again this year. I want a kiss from my girl at midnight. I need a kiss from my girl so I know you're okay, Darl. Please baby, I need you to be okay. Wake up." 

"Don?" Meryl croaked as her eyes fluttered open.

Don jumped up and kissed all over her face. "Oh, thank God, you're back."

"What happened?" Meryl asked just barely above a whisper as she looked around. "Am I in the hospital?"

Don nodded as he smoothed her hair back. "You passed out in the bathroom. You were out cold when I found you. They started you on an IV in the ambulance. They did an EEG and your brain is fine, thank God. You will have stitches in your head soon. They took some blood and hopefully we'll get answers soon. You were out for about an hour."

"I'm sorry, Don." Meryl sighed. "I really messed tonight up."

Don shook his head. "You listen to me, you have not messed ANYTHING up. I was terrified I was losing you when I found you on that damn floor. I'm still going to get my kiss at midnight from my girl; and that's all I care about."

"Me too." Meryl choked. "Thank you for being with me; and for being the one to kiss me at midnight for all these new years."

Don tenderly kissed her lips. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"What about the baby?" Meryl choked. "Did I hurt the baby?"

Don sighed. "YOU didn't hurt the baby. They are going to exam you once you're awake and the blood tests will tell them what they need to know."

"Oh, Don." Meryl started crying. "I was really trying to eat and drink for the baby; I just couldn't keep anything down. What if I hurt the baby?"

Don placed his finger on her lips. "Shhhh....I'm sure little Gummer is okay, sweetheart." Don looked up at her monitor and her vitals weren't good at all. "Baby, I need you to relax. I need you to do that for you and the baby. Can you do that for me?"

"Yeah." Meryl said shakily. "Will you hold us?"

Don smiled as he climbed up next to her in the bed and took her in his arms. "I have two of my babies in my arms; see, Darl? Nothing is ruined. Everything is just right."

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