Chapter 12

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About a week after celebrating their anniversary things were going well in the Gummer household. Don was working in his studio. Meryl was working with their charitable foundation, enjoying spending time with her husband and children as well as going to plays. It was in these down times that she loved being able to be only a wife and mother. She didn't realize how much she missed these times while she was shooting until she was done shooting and fully immersed herself in the role of Meryl Gummer. They hadn't received anymore strange phone calls; and she hadn't felt that sensation of someone watching her again so she and Don just chalked it up to weird occurrences.


Don had been working around the city all day going to meetings and various galleries to get inspiration for his next piece he was working on. He had felt a strange feeling all day-that he was being watched. He was constantly looking around but never saw anyone. He had called Meryl and the kids checking up on them; and they were all fine. He was starting to feel that someone really was watching them. It was one thing for Meryl to have that feeling; but for him to have it as well was too coincidental. He hated how much these phone calls had worked on her. He felt that things were going so well for them that he didn't want to stress or worry her. He knew she would worry about him; and he didn't want that, he was too worried about her heart. It was his job to worry about her and the kids; he didn't want to add undo worry on her. So, right or wrong he decided to keep it to himself.


Meryl was all excited when Don called her in the middle of the afternoon to tell her not to cook and that he was taking her out to dinner. While it may not seem like a big deal to most people; it was to her. Not only did it mean he was thinking about her throughout his day; but that he wanted to go out on a date. After 33 years that meant more to her than any gift he could ever give her. She dressed up for him and her heart melted when she saw him in a white dress shirt and black trousers holding a beautiful bouquet of roses for her. He then took her to her FAVORITE restaurant in their neighborhood. As much as she was loving all the attention she couldn't help but notice that something was off. As they were walking a car backfired and he immediately pulled her to him; not that she particularly minded. He then insisted they not sit at their usual table, but one that faced the door; and he sat next to her, not across from her like he usually did, with his arm around her. She loved being close to him; but she KNEW him. She knew something was bothering him and wasn't right. He was continually looking around. She thought she would wait for the right time to talk to him about this.


Meryl and Don had just finished their dinner when there was a crash from the kitchen and he covered her body with his on the bench they were sitting on. Once Don realized he had overreacted he helped her up and looked at her sheepishly. "Okay Don; WHAT is going on? You have been jumpy ever since you got home. You won't let me out of your sight, which I love; but I know you. SOMETHING is wrong. What is it?"

"Okay." Don took a deep breath. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry or stress you out. I'm sure it's nothing. I'm sure I'm fine; that we're fine."

Meryl was really worried now. "NOW you're scaring me. WHAT is going on with you? Are you sick again?"

"No, baby, no." Don said with a kiss to her lips as he saw the terrified look on her face. "I think I'm being followed. I've felt it all day; but I never saw anything."

With the events of the past month this really frightened Meryl. "And WHY didn't you tell me?"

"Things were going so well, I didn't want to worry or upset you. I'm sure it's nothing, Darl; I'm just jumpy tonight." Don said trying to brush it off. "I don't want you to worry about this."

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