Chapter 16

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It was a week and a half later and Don and Meryl were preparing to leave for Indianapolis. Nothing had happened on the front of whoever was after them; or really, Don felt this man was after his wife. Meryl always said that he was a very calm and laid back person until he felt like his wife and children were in danger and then the gloves came off; that is exactly how he had been especially since Halloween. He was on guard; waiting for the next shoe to drop.


The car was all packed and Don was going through the apartment to make sure the lights were all turned off; and everything that needed to be unplugged was unplugged. As the time got closer and closer for them to leave the dread began to well up in him. He tried to think about the last time he felt this kind of dread. He obviously felt dread in the past year with his and Meryl's health issues and concerns; but this was different. It was overwhelming.


Meryl had finished packing some of Don's favorite snacks as she went in search of him. She found him standing in the entry way just standing there looking at the door. Something was definitely not right. "Don Man? You ready to go, sweetheart? I have some of your favorite snacks."

"We're not going." Don said shaking his head and walking towards the door. "I'm going to go unpack the car."

Meryl put the snacks down on their new entry way table; and pulled him back before he could walk out the door. "Don, of course we're going."

"No, we're not." Don said shaking his head. "I'll explain to the kids; but you and the kids aren't going to Indianapolis."

Meryl knew that look; she was in protective papa bear mode. She grabbed his hand and led him to sit down in the den and made him look at her. "What's going on?"

"I have dread; it's overwhelming." Don sighed.

Meryl shook her head as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Baby, you always have dread before we go to Indianapolis; even after James died. This isn't new. I know Indianapolis isn't the happiest of places for you."

"Or you." Don said. "Or the kids."

Meryl nodded. "That's one reason why we're doing this. To make new memories."

"I can't." Don choked. "I've felt this dread before and awful things happened."

Meryl sighed; she really felt like they needed to go. "When? What kind of dread?"

Don tucked her hair behind her ear. "10 years ago the morning that Mann attacked you again and shot you."

"Baby." Meryl choked. "He's in jail, sweetheart. It's just Indy. Nothing is going to happen."

Don shook his head. "You've had heart episodes. We're damn lucky you didn't have one during Mamie's wedding when dealing with my mother. We know what an absolute bitch she can be to you; I can't put you in that position."

"You are NOT putting me in that position. I am." Meryl said. "Don, sweetheart, for once don't think about me or the kids. You will take care of me and I will take care of them. Think about YOU. I feel this trip is really important for you; for your relationship with your family that has been shaky at best your whole life. I WANT this trip, this holiday, for YOU. We're going to have a great time! We have all these things for the car ride planned. You've booked us into wonderful hotels. We NEVER get this time together. We NEVER get to go on road trips like this; just the two of us."

Don sat there for the longest time and looked at her. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you or the kids."

"I know you won't; you never have." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "I won't let anything happen to you or the kids either. We'll go?"

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