Chapter 69

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Don couldn't take his eyes off his wife; and he couldn't believe he talked her into wearing his favorite tankini of hers for him. He loved her in that black crocheted  tankini. The things it did to her breasts was amazing; especially eight months pregnant. He was glad he talked her into going to this private beach. Yeah, they were worried about her traveling at 8 months pregnant but they were taking all of the necessary precautions. Don went up to her from behind, wrapping his arms around her, and stroking her pregnant stomach. "How you feeling, gorgeous?"

"Amazing." Meryl moaned as she leaned her head back on his shoulder, threading her fingers through his hair as he attacked her neck with kiss. "That feels so damn good."

Don smirked as one of his hands went to cup her full breast. "Just wait; that's just the beginning, baby."


Meryl smiled as she woke up to her husband moaning in his sleep and the little smirk he had on his lips. Her husband. Her Don. Her own great guy from Indiana as she once said on the David Letterman show. As she thought about winning her third Oscar the night before she knew she couldn't have done it without him. She would be who she was or where she was without her husband. He had always been amazing to her while she was pregnant but he was sure outdoing himself this time. She hated that she fell asleep on him last night; she was greatly looking forward to their time alone since they hadn't had much private time since Mamie was staying at their place; and with her morning sickness. She thought there was no time like the present. She started placing kisses along his chest, swirling her tongue around his nipple, just like he did with her. She smiled as he began mumbling. She upped her game and moved her kisses down his thighs causing him to squirm and moan even more. "Mmmmm."

"Lift your hips, handsome." Meryl whispered as she pulled his boxers over his hips and down his legs, throwing them to the side of the bed. Meryl then began working on his erection; though she didn't have to work on it too much. She loved that he always woke up turned on; she was wondering if his dream he had obviously been having had something to do with it and she wasn't sure sure if she wanted to know what or who he was dreaming about.

Don's hand tangled in Meryl's hair as she continued to go down on him. "More."

"Hang on, baby." Meryl said as she wiggled out of her pajamas and quickly sank down on him.

Don's hips bucked at the sensation of him being fully encased in warmth and wetness. His hands went to her pregnant belly, moving wildly over it. He then grabbed her ass, pulling her on him even more. Then he began playing with her nipples. It was becoming fast and furious. Don's eyes popped open when he felt his wife's tongue in his mouth. His eyes darted around and he realized that what he thought was an amazing fantasy was actually really happening. His hands went to her hips, guiding her, as he clamped his mouth down on her shoulder as she leaned her forehead against his. "That was a dangerous game to play, Mrs. Gummer."

"What..." Meryl panted as she was coming closer and closer to the release she wanted. "Was?"

Don was meeting her every movement. "Seducing me in my sleep. Who knows whose name I could have been moaning." He knew she was the only name he would ever be moaning. He was shocked when she stopped her movements and got off him. Grabbing her clothes and running into the bathroom. "What the hell was this?"


Meryl was in the bathroom, putting on her robe, hysterical. Her head snapped up when she saw her husband walk in wearing his boxers and a t-shirt; pissed that she didn't think to lock the door. "Get the fuck out, Don."

"Meryl, what in the hell just happened?" Don asked in complete confusion.

Meryl sat down on top of the toilet lid. "You tell me. You tell me what bitch's name you moan in your sleep and during sex."

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