Chapter 41

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Don was standing next to Meryl's hospital bed, holding her hand, kissing it repeatedly. "Darl, what can I get you? Where is that doctor?"

"Baby, calm down." Meryl said pulling him to sit next to her. "My breathing is already better and the room isn't spinning. I probably shouldn't have even come here. It's Christmas."

Don shook his head. "YES, you should have. You passed out. I don't care if it's Christmas. We are getting you COMPLETELY checked out. I can't let the dream happen."

"Sweetheart; it was just that, a dream." Meryl sighed. 

Don took a deep breath as he looked at her. "It was pretty fucking real."

"Yeah; but Don Man, it wasn't real. YOU didn't send me to the hospital. YOU didn't leave. YOU didn't file for divorce. It DIDN'T happen." Meryl tried to reason with him. "We immediately worked things out."

Don nodded as the door opened. "Mr. and Mrs. Gummer, I am Dr. Owens the cardiologist on call. I have looked over your chart and would like to run some tests. Mr. Gummer, the nurse will show you out to the waiting room where you can wait until the tests are done and we bring her back in here. Shouldn't take more than an hour or so."

"I'm going with her." Don said as his head snapped up. "I'm not leaving her."

The doctor tried to reason with Don. "Mr. Gummer, we will take good care of her; she isn't in any danger."

"You won't take care of her like I would." Don snapped as his dream was coming back to him. "I'm going with her for her tests. I'll stay out of the way but I'm not letting her out of my sight."

Meryl rubbed his neck as she looked at the doctor. "Could we have just a few minutes, please? Then the nurse can show him to the waiting room."

"Of course." The doctor smiled as he walked out.

Don looked at Meryl after the doctor walked out. "I don't care what the fuck they say; I'll call Hal. I'm not leaving you alone."

"Sweetheart, of course no one takes care of me and the kids like you do." Meryl tried to calm him down. "But baby, I'm really fine. Don Man, this isn't the dream. You aren't being kept from me there is no way in HELL I will let that happen. It's just for an hour. I'll make sure they IMMEDIATELY come get you. You aren't leaving me. You are just going into the waiting room because it's protocol."

Don took a deep breath, knowing she was right. "I just don't want you, or anyone to think, I abandoned you. I want to be with you through everything."

"You always are. It was just an awful dream, sweetheart." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "You could even see if a diner is open and get some breakfast."

Don gave her a look. "I will follow protocol and wait in the waiting but room; that is the FURTHEST I am going. You have them come get me AS SOON as they are done. Then I'll get you food or whatever they say you can have."

"Thank you for taking such amazing care of me, Gummer." Meryl winked at him.

Don placed a tender kiss on her lips then forehead. "Anything for you, Mrs. Gummer."


"Don?" Brad said walking into the waiting room where Don was.

Don's head snapped up. "Brad? What are you doing here? I told the kids that no one needed to come up here."

"Well, I thought you could use some support." Brad said handing him a cup of coffee. "And this."

Don gave him a weak smile. "Thanks. How is everything back at the apartment?"

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