Chapter 52

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Don realized he must have fallen asleep in the chair next to Meryl's hospital bed, holding her hand, when he thought he heard her whimpering. It took him a few moments to figure out where it was coming from. When he woke up he could her her soft cries for help more prominent. He saw tears streaming down her face as she was whimpering. "No, no. Don, help. Don. Want Don."

"Baby, I'm here." Don said as he immediately got in her bed and noticed she was asleep.

Meryl was turning her head back and forth. "No drugs. No straps. Don. Call Don."

"Meryl, my love, wake up. It's Don, I'm here sweetheart." Don said as he sat on the bed facing her, kissing all over her face; not noticing Brad standing at the door. "You're safe, baby."

Meryl looked opened her eyes and cried harder. "Don?"

"Yeah baby, I'm here." Don said as he wiped away her tears. "No one is going to hurt you again, love."

Meryl shook her head as she looked down at her wrists. "Did something happen? Why are my wrists all bruised? My ankles are hurting too."

"Those fuckers." Don hissed. "Baby, do you remember anything after I left to take Birdie home earlier?"

Meryl shook her head. "Not really. I remember feeling this great sense of loss because of the baby and wanting to talk to you. I remember trying to reach for my phone."

"But you don't remember anything else?" Don asked as she shook her head as Brad still stood back.

Meryl was trying to think. "I think I heard you yelling. Did I do something to make you mad?"

"NO, baby, you did NOT do anything." Don sighed as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "The nurses did; but we can talk about that later. How are you feeling?"

Meryl rubbed at her face. "Kind of out of it and my arms are feeling really heavy. I'm sure I look awful. My eyes feel like I've been crying for days."

"The most beautiful and sexy woman in the world." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips.

When the kiss broke Meryl looked over Don's shoulder and saw her father-in-law standing there. "Brad?"

"Sweetheart, he's in Indy." Don said thinking she was still out of it.

Meryl shook her head even though that made her dizzy and pointed. "Don Man, Brad is here."

"Dad?" Don choked as he went over to his father who immediately took him into his arms and started crying. "Thanks for coming."

Brad held Don tighter and whispered in his ear. "I'm your father; this is where I belong."

"She doesn't really remember anything." Don whispered.

Brad nodded as he went to kiss Meryl on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Really out of it and my body feels really heavy." Meryl said as Don went to stand beside her and took her hand in his. "You didn't have to come all this way. How did you know?"

Don looked at Meryl. "He called as I was leaving earlier and I told him about the baby. I hope that's okay, Darl."

"Of course." Meryl choked. "I'm really glad you came to be with Don."

Brad patted her leg. "I came to be with both of you; but I know you need to be checked out. How about I go grab you both something to eat? It's almost time for dinner."

"I'm really not hungry." Don said. "Meryl needs to eat something, though."

Meryl squeezed Don's hand. "You do too. How about we share some soup and a sandwich?"

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