Chapter 35

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They soon made it to The White House. While the kids were visiting with their aunts and uncles; Don and Meryl were called onto the red carpet before the rest of their family so pictures could first be taken of just the two of them. Per usual, Don walked behind Meryl but her ass mesmerized him. The way it moved in her dress. The way it was still so firm. The way it bubbled in her dress just perfectly. As Don followed behind her he literally couldn't take his eyes off her ass, thinking about once they got back to the hotel. A few days ago she wouldn't let him tear it off her body; he sure as hell was going to tonight to get to her ass. He would pay whoever he had to pay for the dress; it would be completely worth it to him. As he walked behind her he couldn't help but lick his lips as his eyes were glued to her ass. Not even noticing she stopped and he accidentally ran into her. Meryl looked at him in concern; thinking something happened with his knee or hip. "You okay, Don Man?"

"No; I'm not okay." Don whispered in her ear as his hand trailed behind her and his fingers traced the swell of her ass. "Your ass is so fucking hot in this dress. I'm fixated on it."

Meryl looked at him in shock. She then quickly looked around to make sure no one heard him; and thankfully it seemed that no one saw or heard. "Don! Cameras! Microphones!"

"I don't give a shit. I think my wife is hot." Don winked. "Sue me."

Meryl shook her head at him as he wrapped his left arm around her. "I love you."

"I love you too." Don winked. "You and your ass."

Don continued to hold Meryl close during the pictures. His hand occasionally caressed the side of her breast and would occasionally be low on her waist. She placed her left hand on his left hand that was on her waist as he beckoned the rest of the family over. As she looked from her husband to her children, their partners, to her brothers and sisters-in-law a feeling of peace and contentment washed over her. Yes, the awards and honors were nice; but being held closely to her husband with their children beside him and the rest of her family there meant more to her than they would ever know.


After the red carpet, the family was ushered into the East Room at The White House while Meryl answered a few questions from interviewers. As the family was sitting in their spots waiting for the awards part to start Don heard Mamie laughing hard and then her exclaim. "DAD!"

"What?" Don looked down at his oldest daughter; and putting his finger up to his lips to signal her to lower her voice. "We're in the East Room of The White House, Mary Willa."

Mamie shook her head as she held up her phone to her father. "We were also in The White House while you are checking out Mom's ASS."

"He what?" Louisa laughed.

Don quickly grabbed Mamie's phone and sure enough cameras caught him checking out his wife's amazing ass and him licking his lips. "I uh...I wasn't. She tripped earlier so I was looking down at her feet to make sure she didn't trip again."

"Dad!" Grace laughed as she looked at the picture on Mamie's phone. "You were totally checking her out."

Henry shook his head. "They never change."

"What if I was; which I am NOT saying I was. But, what if I was? We're married." Don said trying not to smirk.

Ben burst out laughing. "He totally was."

"Wouldn't be the first time something like this happened." Susie laughed and turned to Henry. "Remember the Golden Globes when we were in college and Meryl was grabbing your dad's ass?"

Louisa was horrified. "At the globes?"

"Would you rather that we hated each other?" Don asked as they were met by silence. "Mamie, where did you get this anyways?"

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