Chapter 14

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Once Meryl's Afib was under control she was released  from the hospital. Don was glad she didn't have any work obligations for a few more months so she could continue to rest and feel better until it was all systems go again with promoting The Iron Lady. They hired a private investigator and were waiting for any information coming in on the person that was following them. Dr. Abbott said NO ONE at the hospital had broken the gag order and the only way the person who sent the letters knew where she was and what floor she was on would be if Don was being constantly followed; which creeped Meryl and Don out even more. Don started working at his studio in the apartment only going to his Brooklyn studio when necessary. Meryl tried to tell him she would be okay, but he wasn't taking any chances; and if truth be told Meryl was beyond relieved he was staying close to her as she was terrified something would happen to him. They were trying to live their lives but they were also continually on guard.


"What? I changed that shipment." Meryl walked into the kitchen to find Don on the phone, irritated. "No, I'm not working from there at the moment. No, I don't want deliveries at my home studio; no one should even be aware where my home is. Depending on traffic, I should be there in 45 minutes or so. Thanks."

Meryl was putting candy in a bowl for trick-or-treaters and looked at Don when he got off the phone. "What's the matter?"

"Since I'm not at the studio I changed a shipment; though it's being delivered right now. I have to get over there. Feel like going to Brooklyn with your husband?" Don asked walking over to her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Meryl smiled as he pulled her close to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Baby, I'll be fine. There's security all over this building. It's not like you'll be gone all night. Besides, I want to be here for the trick-or-treaters."

"I don't know; with all this going on, I have a bad feeling about leaving you alone on Halloween." Don sighed.

Meryl couldn't help but laugh at her husband. "Has someone been watching horror movies without me?"

"You sure you'll be okay?" Don asked concerned; ignoring her question.

Meryl gave him a big smile as she played with his hair at the nape of his neck. "I'm sure. Nothing has happened for a little while. You go and get your materials so you can be the brilliant artist you are; and I'll even dress up for you."

"Mamma Mia spandex?" Don asked wiggling his eye brows. "Miranda Priestley?"

Meryl threw her head back and laughed. "You'll just have to see; now won't you?"

"I better go so I can come back." Don said excitedly with a kiss to her lips then he got serious. "You'll call if you need me?"

Meryl nodded as she smiled and kissed him back. "I promise. Now go."

Meryl shook her head at her husband as she watched him leave reluctantly then he paused and turned around. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Meryl winked at him. "Now go." Meryl watched him leave and then took a deep breath. All of this shit going on made both of them feel like they were living the Kevin Mann nightmares all over again; though they were doing a better job of trying to live their lives. She knew why he didn't leave without saying he loved her; they never left the house, hung up the phone or went to sleep without telling each other they loved the other and part of that was due to Kevin Mann. The day he took her and Henry all those years ago, Don had left their apartment to get Meryl a pretzel and didn't say he loved her or kissed her goodbye. Not because they were angry at the other, only because he just didn't. He made a vow never to do that again; and so did she. Meryl shook her head to bring her back to the present. "Who should I dress up as tonight?"

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