Chapter 11

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"Baby?" Don whispered sleepily as he held Meryl closer to his body to try and warm her up. "We should go inside; you're shaking."

Meryl groaned. "I like lying out here with you."

"We can go in to our nice BIG, WARM, COMFY bed." Don said as he kissed her head. "I don't want you to get sick."

Meryl's eyes popped open. "That does sound pretty nice. What time is it?"

"Oh, about 7." Don said as he looked at his watch with drowsy eyes. "Come on."

Meryl let Don help her out of the tent and she looked around with a happy look on her face. "We probably need to clean up out here."

"Already taken care of. The catering company is taking care of the table and dishes and everything. You take the flowers you want then the catering company is delivering the rest to nursing homes. We'll leave the lights up." Don said revealing his plans to her.

Meryl smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You thought of everything. Leave the lights up?"

"You know...romance for later." Don winked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "I'll come up sometime to get the candles and the tent and mattress."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "Thank you for the perfect anniversary. I know it took lots of time and planning; not to mention money."

"You are MORE than worth it." He winked with a kiss to her forehead. "Now, how many bouquets are we taking in?"


After carrying several bouquets inside, Don and Meryl immediately went back to bed not  only in the warmth and comfort of their own bed; but also in the warmth and comfort of one another's arms. Yeah, it was already 7:30 in the morning but they had a long, wonderful, night and there was no where they had to be. As Meryl fell back to sleep in his arms she was mindful that his surprise would be put into motion later that day. Only an hour or so later the phone rang. Don groaned when he felt her move. "Don't...move."

"Don." Meryl giggled still half asleep. "It could wake someone up."

Don shook his head as he pulled her closer to him and lazily kissed the back of her neck. "We're the only ones here."

"Shouldn't we get up." Meryl turned in his arms and placed lazy kisses all along her face.

Don shook his head as he enjoyed her kisses, happy the phone stopped ringing. "We should stay just like this. There's nothing we need to do today. It's Saturday. Right?"

"Yeah, right." Meryl answered almost hesitantly. She then realized he was right. Things wouldn't be put into motion for his surprise until she made the call.

Don sighed dejectedly as his cell phone on the bedside table was ringing. "Do people not know it's the morning after our anniversary?"

"You better answer." Meryl said with a kiss to his bare chest. "It could be the kids or something; and I have no freaking idea where my phone is."

Don laughed as he reached over to put on his glasses and look at his phone. "It's Mom."

"You should answer." Meryl said as she stroked his chest. Things had always been up and down with his mother. It took him a long time to speak to his mother after she told Meryl she deserved to be raped and tortured by Kevin Mann. It took him awhile to let his family around her after that but they eventually worked on things. She knew that would be the case after their recent trip to Indianapolis. "You've barely spoken to her since we've been back, sweetheart."

Don nodded as he took a deep breath and answered. "Hi, Ma."

"Is everything okay? You didn't answer your home phone, the studio, in Connecticut and Meryl didn't answer her cell phone. I'm sure she's off on location somewhere without you." Jane was rambling.

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