Chapter 84

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About a week later Don woke up in a start. He was covered in sweat and couldn't breathe. He felt like he was gasping for air. He had no idea what was going on; but he felt such dread. The dread was overwhelming; and he felt like he couldn't escape from it. "Don? Baby?" Meryl asked as she sat up and turned on the lamp. She was immediately concerned when she saw him covered in sweat and not being able to breathe. She immediately cupped his head in her hands. "Don Man, what is it? Dream? Nightmare?"

"No." Don shook his head. "Sorry...woke you."

Meryl smoothed his wet hair back. "I don't give a flying fuck about that. Talk to me. Do we need to go to the hospital?"

"Panic." Don sighed. "Can't breathe."

Meryl hated that he was battling this all of a sudden; though she had never seen him in an episode quite like this one. She pressed her forehead into his. "Baby, look into my eyes."

"Hi, beautiful." He breathed.

Meryl gave him a watery smile. "Hey there, handsome. Now, try to breathe with me; okay? I want to get your breathing under control before anything else. Breathe with me, sweetheart. In and out. Nice even breaths." Meryl tried to discreetly put her hand over his heart and noticed how rapidly it was beating. "It's just me and you. All the kids are fine. Lillian and our baby are progressing like they should be."

"You...okay?" Don breathed.

Meryl tenderly kissed his forehead. "I will be once you are. Nice even breaths. In and out."

"Feel dread." Don was still struggling to breathe. "Something happen to you."

Meryl placed tender kisses all over his face. "No baby; I'm fine. Nothing is going to happen. We are all safe and happy. You make sure of it, sweetheart. I don't want you to worry. Take some deep breaths for me. There we go." Meryl breathed her own sigh of relief as his breathing returned to normal, his heart rate was slowing down and his eyes were clearer. "There's those clear blue eyes I love so much."

"Darl?" Don asked looking around. "You're okay?"

Meryl sighed; wishing he didn't worry about her so much. "I am perfect, my Don Man. Especially now that you are doing better. Can you tell me what happened? You said you didn't have a bad dream. Could you not sleep?"

"I'm not really sure what happened." Don said trying to figure everything out. "I woke up in a start feeling such dread. Something is going to happen to you, Meryl; I can feel it. I need to stop it."

Meryl could tell he was getting worked up all over again. "Baby, nothing is going to happen. I had an appointment last week and everything is going like it should. Don Man, you make sure I am getting the best medical care; and because of that nothing is wrong with me. You're making sure of it."

"I can't let anything happen." Don choked.

Meryl noticed the panic was coming back. "It won't, baby. Will you be okay for a minute? I will be right back."

"What?" Don asked as she started to get out of bed and pulled her back in. "Where are you going?"

Meryl placed a long kiss on his lips. "I'm just going to get you some water, sweetheart. I will be right back."

"I love you." Don said. "You know that?"

The look in his eyes broke Meryl's heart. "I know that better than I know anything else. I love you, my Don, so damn much; I'll be right back, love."


Meryl quickly went to get Don some water as well as his unopened bottle of Xanax. Seeing him like that broke her heart. He was still her amazingly strong husband; she just hated he was not experiencing this panic. She didn't want him to suffer like that; so she was just hoping he would take the Xanax without putting up much of a fight. She got back to him as soon as she could. "Okay baby, I'm back."

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