Chapter 44

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As soon as the cab pulled up outside their apartment building, Don paid the cabbie plus a little something extra since it was Christmas day, and scooped Meryl into his arms causing her to laugh and squeal. "Donald Gummer! What are you doing? You are going to hurt yourself."

"I'm fine." Don said, smiling as she laid her head on his shoulder. "I told you that you're not walking; and I mean it Meryl. Besides, don't you like being in my arms? I know you like looking at them."

Meryl jokingly smacked him. "You're so bad, but I love you."

"I'm glad." Don said placing a kiss on the top of her head. "I happen to love you as well, very much."

Their doorman Ross was a little surprised to find his favorite resident carrying his other favorite resident, who just happened to be his favorite artists. He was no longer starstruck when it came to them. Working as a doorman in New York City he knew that you couldn't be. "Mrs. Gummer! Are you alright? I was told an ambulance was called for you early this morning."

"I'm fine, Ross." Meryl smiled at their favorite doorman. "Thank you for asking. Just a little episode; probably due to the stress of the holidays. I'm much better now.. Despite what it looks like I can walk."

Don shook his head at his wife. "Can you get the elevator for me, Ross?"

"Of course, Mr. Gummer." Ross smiled. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

Don nodded. "She'll be fine. She just needs to rest. Thanks, Ross."

"Have a very Merry Christmas." Ross smiled.

Meryl smiled at the nice doorman. "You too. Don?"

"Oh yeah." Don couldn't get to his wallet. "I'll come back down later and see you before you leave. Merry Christmas!"

Meryl was shaking her head at her husband as she pushed the button for their floor. "You can let me down now."

"Not until we're in the apartment." Don winked at her.

Meryl laughed at her husband. "So, you're going to be carrying me all over the apartment until I see my doctor?"

"If that's what it takes, then yes." Don answered as the elevator doors opened.

Meryl shook her head. "Up the stairs? To the bathroom? Are you going to bathe me?"

"Now, this is sounding pretty amazing." Don winked. "I think I have the better end of the deal."

Meryl laughed at her husband. "You're such a goof."

"We're home." Don yelled carrying Meryl into the apartment.

Everyone came running in as Don carried her to the couch. Meryl put her hand up as everyone was asking questions at once. "I'm fine, I promise. Don is just being a little protective."

"Are you sure?" Third asked.

Meryl nodded. "I just had a minor heart episode and need some rest."

"She did have a minor episode and is supposed to STAY OFF her feet and rest until she can get in to the doctor after the holidays." Don said sitting on the sofa next to her. "I'm going to need reinforcements on this to help back me."

Larry laughed. "You've got them."

"What needs to be done for the meal?" Meryl asked trying to sit up.

Don pushed her back down. "Liz, Mary, Maeve, Maggie and Mom?"

"We're on it." All the ladies said going into the kitchen.

Don nodded. "Brad, Dana, Larry, Mike and Third can you make sure the tables are all set?"

"On it!" Brad said as he led the men away.

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