Chapter 26

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After his heart to heart with his "chosen" father; Don went to look for his son. He smiled when he saw Susie and Henry out on the front porch. "Can I interrupt?"

"Of course." Susie smiled. "Thank you for your help today, Uncle Don."

Don smiled as he hugged his best friend's daughter, and it sounded like his soon to be daughter-in-law. "You okay, Susie girl?"

"Thanks to your son." Susie said with a kiss to Don's cheek.

Don smiled as he nodded. "I'm glad. Could I have just a few moments alone with Hen?"

"Of course." Susie looked at Henry who nodded.

Henry went over to kiss Susie on the cheek. "I'll meet you inside in just a few minutes."

"Have a seat, Hen." Don said sitting next to his son. "I want you to know how very proud of you I am."

Henry smiled at his dad. "Thanks, Dad. I hope I'm a fraction of the father you are."

"You will be wonderful." Don smiled. "I did want to talk to you about that. Do you know what you're getting into? I love Susie, you know that. Your mother and I both do; and if you choose to raise this child then we will love and treat this child like our grandchild. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into."

Henry smiled. "I know it's a lot to take in and all at once. Dad, it's always been Susie. She's the one. You always told me not to let love go."

"I did." Don smiled thinking of Meryl. "But to raise someone else's child..."

Henry nodded. "I know what you're getting at and where you're coming from, Dad."

"I need to say it." Don said as Henry nodded. "I was raised by someone who wasn't my biological father. You are NOT James, NOT AT ALL. That is not what I'm saying. I just don't want this child to feel unwanted or neglected at all."

Henry shook his head. "I want this baby, Dad. We have already talked to Larry about what to do to make sure it's mine legally; how to get Reece to sign away his rights."

"Well, admitting to the former Indianapolis DA and current Manhattan DA that he is going to take it before it takes it's own breath is the first step." Don shook his head. "Disgusting. I know you are going to be an amazing father, Hen. I just want to make sure you knew what you were saying."

Henry nodded. "I've thought about it constantly since you and Mom told me Susie was pregnant. She's to me what Mom is to you."

"Okay." Don smiled as he hugged his son. "That's all I needed to know. So, is your mother already planning the wedding?"

Henry started laughing at his father. "What do you think? She's already asking if we're going to live in the Brooklyn apartment I bought or at Susie's."

"I'm sure she's already routing the quickest way to get to each place." Don laughed. "I'm so glad you are coming back East. Your mom and I love you and Susie; and we will love this baby as our grandchild."

Henry nodded. "It will be."

"Yes, it will." Don patted his son's back as Henry got up.

Henry turned to his father before they entered the house. "Dad, I really am sorry for what I said this morning. I know how you would protect Mom and all of us with your life. I also know that to you there is no choice; that Mom and us come first. We are so lucky you are our father. I hope you know that."

"Thank you, son; I appreciate that. I'm glad you know that all of you and your mother mean EVERYTHING to me. I wouldn't have moved forward so quickly had he not apologized to your mother so quickly and hadn't been so loving and caring towards her." Don said as Henry nodded and hugged his father. "Have you told your mother this? Trust me; you don't want to be on her list."

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